Putting Away Christmas, Putting On Baptismal Promises

Putting Away Christmas, Putting On Baptismal Promises

Dear Parishioners:   

With the celebration of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord this weekend, we mark the end of the Christmas season. This week, the Christmas lights, trees, and Creche will be put away for the year.    Traditionally, Christmas is celebrated until Candlemas or the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2.  On this day, many Catholics bring candles to the Church to be blessed. They can then light these candles at home during prayer or difficult times to symbolize Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Candlemas is the last day the Alma Redemptoris Mater, the Marian antiphon in the Divine Office, is sung. It is sung from the beginning of Advent through February 2. So, Candlemas was associated with the close of the Christmas season. Now, we enter the Season of Ordinary Time. Christmas Time and Easter Time highlight the central mysteries of the Paschal Mystery, namely, the incarnation, death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci, C. 1472–1475

On the other hand, the Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time take us through Christ's life. 'Ordinary' comes from the word ordinal, which means 'counted.' Each week is known by a number, e.g., the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  Ordinary Time is when the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ. The goal toward which all of history is directed is represented by the final Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

Green vestments are worn during the Season of Ordinary Time.

Ordinary Time is the longest season in the Church's year. The thirty-three weeks of Ordinary Time is divided into two sections; one short and the other very long. The weeks between the Christmas and Lenten seasons are the shorter part of Ordinary Time. In contrast, the weeks between Pentecost and the Advent season form the longer part. Now the bright and festive decorations of Christmas and the gold vestments are put away.  We decorate the Church more simply and wear plain green vestments.  Green, the color of Ordinary Time, tells us much about its significance in the Church's life. It is the rich color of growth and new life.

Ordinary Time deserves to be lived extraordinarily—in the depths of our hearts, families, and the parish community. We need to immerse ourselves deeply in the spirituality of Ordinary Time because it contains the essence of who we are in the 'everydayness' of our Christian lives. The thirty-three weeks of Ordinary Time gives us time to reflect on how we live as Christians. We have thirty-three weeks to examine and 'order' our lives. At the same time, we focus on a particular Gospel and enter it deeply. 

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a good time to begin Ordinary Time.  As we recall Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, we likewise recall our own Baptism.  St. Ambrose said: "The Lord was Baptized, not to be cleansed Himself, but to cleanse the waters, so that those waters, cleansed by the flesh of Christ which knew no sin, might have the power of Baptism.”

A newborn infant is baptized.

On the day of our own Baptism, our parents and godparents made promises on our behalf because, as infants, we could not. The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a good time to personally renew with fervor and vigor, living out our Baptismal Promises. Let us again promise to renounce evil, reject Satan and his works, serve God faithfully in the Catholic Church, reject sin, obey Christ, and be ruled by his precepts.

We promise again to believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered death, rose again from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and believe in the Holy Spirit. We also promise again to believe in the Holy Catholic Church, in the communion of saints, in the forgiveness of sins, in the resurrection of the body, and in life everlasting.    Today, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, remember those promises and strive to live them daily in word and deed’

Christmas has ended, so make one final visit to the Christ Child in the Creche this weekend before it is taken down. Be well. Do good. God Bless

The Wise Still Seek Him

The Wise Still Seek Him

Dear Parishioners:    

Adoration of the Magi by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (17th century).

Today, we sing the verse: "We three kings of the Orient are…" Who are these Mystic visitors from the East? Kings? Wise Men? Are they men of science, astronomers who follow stars, astrologers who look for messages in the heavens, holy men, or all of the above? The feast of the Epiphany has a very important history in our faith and universal culture.   The Solemnity of the Epiphany which we celebrate this weekend. commemorates the mysterious visit of the Magi to the Baby Jesus. These Wisemen, pagans from neighboring countries, came bearing gifts to adore the Baby Jesus, the newborn King.

The gifts given to Jesus by the Magi are gold, frankincense, and Myrrh.  They have a special spiritual meaning that represents the mystery of the Incarnation, or the union of God and humanity.   Gold represents Jesus as Christ the King and his kingship on earth. Frankincense represents Jesus as Christ the High Priest and his divinity, as it was used in worship in the Temple.  And Myrrh represents Jesus as Christ the Prophet and his death for the sake of truth, as it was used to anoint dead bodies.  

Christmas gifts are given on the Feast of the Epiphany in Spain and many Latin American countries. Children write letters to the Magi on the feast's eve, requesting presents. Children leave their shoes out overnight to find presents in them the next morning when they awake. While we don't traditionally exchange gifts on the Epiphany, we should be mindful of the gifts we must offer the Lord.  The gifts of our time, talent, and treasure. These gifts are given to the Lord all year and, in fact, all life long as an offering ourselves to Christ.

The Adoration of the Magi by Edward Burne-Jones (1894)

So, as we come before the newborn King truly present in the Eucharist today, we imitate the Wisemen in adoration of the Lord and offer the gift of our life to Jesus.   St John Chrysostom said: "If we approach with faith, we too will see Jesus, for the Eucharistic table takes the place of the crib. Here the Body of the Lord is present, wrapped not in swaddling clothes but in the rays of the Holy Spirit." Many in Europe celebrate "Three Kings Day," where the priest blesses chalk, which the faithful bring home and use to write on their homes: "C-M-B" and the year. C-M-B refers to the names of the Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. The initials also abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat, which means "May Christ bless the house."

This parallels the Jewish feast of Passover, where marking the door prevents evil and death from entering the home of the faithful who live there. Instead, the Epiphany blessing is more proactive as it brings life as opposed to preventing death. The Epiphany is not the end of the Christmas Season, as the season continues until next Sunday's Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

While many people have taken down the Christmas lights and trees, put away the creche, and returned some gifts, the Church continues to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord. Also, on Epiphany, the Church has the tradition of announcing the important dates of the Church Year. It is an ancient practice of Mother Church to announce the moveable feasts of the current Church Year.  The text reads:

"Know, dear brethren, that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so by leave of God's mercy we announce to you also the joy of his Resurrection, who is our Savior. On the fifth day of March will fall Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season. On the twentieth day of April you will celebrate with joy Easter Day, the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the twenty-ninth day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the eighth day of June, the feast of Pentecost. On the twenty-second day of June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. On the thirtieth day of November, the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."

We thank Mr. John Skeffington, the new owner of the Hill-Skeffington Funeral Home, for continuing to sponsor our parish calendar.  They are beautiful and highlight all the important dates of the Church Year in 2025. Happy Feast of the Epiphany! Remember, Wisemen still seek Him!! Be well. Do good. God Bless.


Giving Thanks for the Christ of Christmas

Giving Thanks for the Christ of Christmas

Dear Parishioners:    

Merry Christmas! Pope Francis said of Christmas: "God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it." We give thanks for the birth of our Savior on Christmas.  The greatest gift the world has ever received.                          

We have much to be thankful for this Christmas.  We thank the many people who make Christmas so special at OLM.  We especially thank Paul Anderson and our outstanding maintenance staff, who work hard cleaning and decorating, setting up trees and creches, and ensuring everything is ready for the Savior's birth. We thank our good Franciscan Apostolic Sisters led by Sister Lourdes and all our Sacristans for ensuring that the vestments and sacred vessels are clean, polished, starched, and pressed for  Mass.  The Church was beautifully decorated, and we thank our dedicated band of volunteers on the decorating committee for making it happen with their hard work.

We certainly thank our Music Director,  Henri St. Louis,  our soloist, Christiana Caprarelli, our Children's Choir Directress Shirley Medici, and both the Adult and Children's Choirs for the gift of beautiful music in honor of the Christ Child. They lifted up our worship of the Savior at all the Masses of Christmas.

We also thank our many Altar Servers for their fine and reverent service during the Masses of Christmas. We especially thank our Masters of Ceremonies, Erik Carlson and Luke Simms, and our Seminarian, David Delbonis, for their tremendous help. Our Lectors proclaimed God's Sacred Word with faith and joy and we are grateful.  Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion provided reverent assistance at the Masses. And our Ushers did a terrific job welcoming people and ensuring everyone found a seat!  We thank these good and dedicated parishioners for their exemplary service to our parish.

However, while we give thanks for the gift of Christmas, let's not forget that it isn't over yet! The birth of our Savior cannot be celebrated in a single day! For Catholics, Christmas is not just over and done on December 25. Christmastide begins on Christmas Eve and ends on Sunday, January 12, on the Baptism of the Lord. The Christmas season has seven special days other than December 25, designed to extend our focus on the mystery of Christ's birth. These days are called the "Octave of Christmas." You can remember their timing because the Octave starts and ends with solemnities - the Nativity of the Lord on December 25 and Mary, Mother of God, on January 1.

This Wednesday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation. There are three Masses at OLM for the Holy Day.  A Vigil Mass is at 4:00 pm on New Year's Eve; on New Year's Day, Masses are at 7:30 am and 10:30 am.  I can think of no better way to start the New Year than by attending Mass in honor of Blessed Mother. So be sure to attend Mass for the New Year’s Holy Day. 

Ringing in the New Year rekindles our hopes and dreams. It's time to celebrate a fresh start, turning the page to begin a new chapter. We look forward to new opportunities and adventures. It is a time of taking up resolutions to improve our lives and health. It is also a good time to be more resolute in our spiritual life. Perhaps we should recommit to faithfully attending Sunday Mass every week, going to Confession more frequently, making prayer a daily habit, praying the Rosary, and striving to be firm in faith, joyful in hope, and active in charity.

The Saints have much to say about the simple idea of beginning anew. They know that January is not the only time to start over. Rather, God's mercies are new every morning. So, every day of the year, we can begin again. St. Francis de Sales said: "It is right that you should begin again every day. There is no better way to complete the spiritual life than to be ever beginning it over again."

With deep gratitude, I sincerely thank the parishioners who were so very kind in remembering me at Christmas. Your many cards, delicious treats, and generous gifts are deeply appreciated. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   May God Bless you and our parish in 2025! Be well. Do good.


Christ is Coming, Is There Room in Your Inn?

Christ is Coming, Is There Room in Your Inn?

Dear Parishioners:   

Our young saints and scholars at OLM School began the Christmas Break this past Friday! The Christmas wreaths and trees are up around the parish.  The creche is displayed in Mercy Park.  As the old song sings, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"  But what does that really mean for us?

Advent has passed very quickly this year!  We are now upon the very threshold of Christmas as this Wednesday, we celebrate the Nativity of the Lord!  I hope the Advent Season has prepared us spiritually to celebrate this feast with great faith and joy.            

This coming week, we face the temptation to get lost in the worldly concerns of Christmas with its shopping, gift wrapping, card writing, baking cookies, parties, and cooking the roast! These are all good things but are not the real reason for the season. Christmas is a time for deeper faith, greater hope, and more bountiful charity.

This season is a special time for families and friends to celebrate joyfully. However, it can also be a time of profound loneliness and sadness for some. Many recall Christmases past and remember with sorrow those loved ones now absent. 

Yet, at Christmas, we must celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace with faith and joy. We turn to the Babe of Bethlehem and ask him to give us the grace we need to experience his peace and joy in our hearts so that we truly celebrate Christmas.

In a Christmas Sermon, St. Leo the Great said: "Today our Savior is born, let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness. No one is shut out from this joy; all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all."

In these few days before Christmas, we also face the temptation of making ourselves too busy.  Finding time alone in prayer, reflection, and silence with God can be a challenge. Yet unless we make time, even if it's only a few minutes, how can we experience his peace and joy?

The hustle and bustle of this time of year often leads to exhaustion or exhilaration. If we try to live the holy season of Christmas with only our own strength, we can be sure to be exhausted.  We can only be exhilarated if we stay close to God and renew our confidence in his Providence by praying with him daily.  Jesus came to be our peace. This Christmas, let's give him the time to do so.

The Son of God was born in a simple stable in Bethlehem. And he is still present and active in all the little Bethlehems of the world today. The Bethlehems in our hearts,  homes, and families. The Bethlehems in our hospitals, nursing homes, military bases, and homeless shelters. 

The Prince of Peace, born on Christmas, is with us always, gently guiding history, leading his children to true wisdom, lasting joy, and eternal life. Knowing that our God is with us brings us interior peace, even amidst the exterior storms of life. The Sacrament of Confession also offers us a perfect way to prepare ourselves for Christmas, For with a good confession of our sins, we move beyond them and live a life of grace and holiness again. So, pray, reflect, and confess during these days before Christmas.

Join us for Confessions on  Monday night, December 23. Four priests are available from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm (and will stay even later if needed!).  St. Thérèse of Lisieux said of the Baby Jesus' birth in Bethlehem: "A God who became so small could only be mercy and love."  This Christmas, give yourself the best gift money can never buy, God's forgiveness of your sins. Make your way to  Confession on Monday evening and experience the mercy and love of the Babe of Bethlehem.

I wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas. You and your family are remembered during my Christmas Masses. Prayerful best wishes for a blessed Christmas Season and a Holy New Year in 2025.

I echo the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta in my prayers for you this Christmas: "My prayer for you is that when Christ comes to you at Christmas, He may find in you a warm home, warm love like that of a heartful of love, like that of a simple shepherd who was the first one chosen to see Christ."  Do good. Be well.  God Bless.  Merry Christmas



Rejoice, the Lord is Near!

Rejoice, the Lord is Near!

Today is referred to as “Gaudete Sunday.” The name comes from the opening antiphon for the Mass: “Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again, rejoice!” This antiphon is taken from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Philippians.               

Saint Paul encourages us to find joy in our relationship with the Lord. Regardless of our circumstances, we can choose to rejoice in God's goodness and the salvation we have received through Christ. This passage reminds us to cultivate a joyful spirit in all situations.

On Gaudete Sunday, we light the rose candle in the Advent Wreath, and the priest wears rose vestments.  During the season of Advent, we’ve been focusing on vigilance and preparation for the Lord’s return. Today, we are reminded to rejoice while we wait, for the Lord is near.

Our first reading this weekend from the Prophet Zephaniah speaks of the Lord’s coming. He says, “Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart. The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior.”  We are reminded that Jesus has saved us and is coming to save us.

Yet, rather than rejoice, many people are burdened with fears, worry, and anxiety. The reasons are many and varied, from worries about the state of the world and our country to concerns about family, children, parents, work, finances, and the economy.

When fear, disquiet, and anxiety consume us, the darkness of despair seeks to rob us of our joy and hope. Yet, if we focus upon Jesus, such darkness can never defeat our joy, faith, and hope in the Lord. As St. Paul writes, “The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. ”

On this Gaudete Sunday, let us be the people of joy we are called to be. As St. John Paul II wrote, “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” He reminds us that gratitude is essential to finding joy in life. We can find true joy even in difficult times by being grateful for what we have and recognizing the many blessings bestowed upon us.

St. Teresa of Avila, the 16th-century Spanish mystic, wrote, “The Lord walks among the pots and pans.” Her saintly wisdom reminds us that joy is found even in the most mundane tasks of daily life. She encourages us to find joy in all aspects of our lives, not just the more exciting and pleasurable parts.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux wrote: “The world promises us pleasure, but it is only in Jesus that we find joy.” This reminds us that true and lasting joy is only found in our relationship with Jesus. No amount of worldly pleasures or riches can bring us the true joy that only comes from a deep, abiding, and meaningful relationship with our Lord.

St. Augustine wrote, “Joy is the net of love by which you can catch souls.” He encourages us to spread our Christian joy as it is a powerful tool for bringing people together and building a faith community. It serves as a reminder that joy should be shared, not hoarded.

This Gaudete Sunday is also a reminder that the Season of Advent is moving quickly. Next Sunday is the Fourth and final Sunday of Advent. But what about us? Half of Advent is already gone! Has it passed us by? Are we more focused on Christ at Christmas?   Have we made any spiritual progress?                           

For we are the innkeepers of our souls, and as Advent ends and Christmas arrives, are we better prepared to greet the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day? Have we made room in our inn for Jesus? Is the inn of our souls ready to welcome Christ on Christmas and when he comes again? Have we given more time for quiet reflection and prayer? Have we been more patient, generous, and charitable? Have we faithfully attended Mass on Sundays? Have we made a good Confession?

Please take note of our OLM Christmas Schedule.  On December 23, the Monday before Christmas, two hours of Confessions with four priests available from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.  On Christmas, there are four Masses at OLM: a 4:00 pm Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass at Midnight, and on Christmas Day, there are Masses at 7:30 am and 10:30 am. There is no 9:00 am Mass on Christmas Day. 

Be well. Do good. God Bless. Happy Gaudete Sunday! The Lord is near! “Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again, rejoice!”

Honoring the Mother of  our Redeemer

Honoring the Mother of our Redeemer

Dear Parishioners:  

Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1767–1768)

 This year, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is moved to Monday, December 9, due to the precedence of the Second Sunday of Advent on December 8. In the United States, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, our national patronal feast day, remains a holy day of obligation regardless of when its celebration falls on the liturgical calendar.

All Holy Day Masses are on Monday, December 9, as the Sunday Evening 5:00 p.m. Mass is for the Second Sunday of Advent, not the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception. On Monday, there are three Masses for the Holy Day: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. School Mass, and 7:00 p.m. While there is no Vigil Mass, there is still ample opportunity to get to Mass.

Since the beginning of the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been regarded as the holiest and the most blessed of all disciples. The celebration of the Immaculate Conception began in the 7th century under the title "Conception of Mary by Saint Anne." It was changed to "Immaculate Conception" with the definition of the doctrine in 1854.

The Blessed Mother's Immaculate Conception was the beginning of our salvation and is now one of the central doctrines of our faith. Because of this, we celebrate this Feast Day to highlight our Lady's significant place in salvation history. This Feast is so essential that the Church has raised it to the rank of a Holy Day of Obligation.

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort teaches: "Since she is the sure means, the direct and immaculate way to Jesus and the perfect guide to him, it is through her that souls who are to shine forth in sanctity must find him. He who finds Mary finds life, that is, Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life." Immaculate Mary, pray for us!  

Alma Redemptoris Mater window at Abbey Church of Saint Gilles du Gard, Avignon, France.

As we celebrate the great Feast of our Lady, we also sing the beautiful Marian Antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater at Mass during Advent and the Christmas season as a post-communion meditation. It is sung throughout these seasons until the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord on February 2.

This antiphon is quite ancient, as most scholars agree that the words were written in the 11th century by the German Monk Hermanus Contractus. Its popularity grew and became so well-known that by the 15th century, the antiphon appeared in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

When this antiphon is translated, "alma" is usually translated as "sweet" or "loving." "Alma" is often derived from the Latin verb alere, which means to nourish, feed, rear, nurse, suckle, cherish, support, develop, or foster. These terms speak of the ideal love of a mother who nurses, cherishes, and protects her child with abundant love. The Oxford English dictionary defines "alma mater" as "bounteous mother." An alma mater would be more likely to be a nourishing mother than a sweet or holy one.

The great scholar Dom Prosper Gueranger wrote about the role of the Alma Redemptoris:  "It is twofold: it is joy, which the whole Church feels at the coming of the divine Word in the Flesh; and it is admiration of that glorious Virgin, who was made the True Mother of God. There is scarcely a prayer or a rite in the Liturgy of this glad Season, which does not imply these two grand Mysteries: an Infant-God and a Virgin-Mother. Honoring the Son in the Mother testifies to Her holy joy during this season."

The Alma Redemptoris Mater is an excellent prayer for us to pray and reflect upon during Advent and the Christmas Season. It is traditionally recited or sung after night prayer before going to sleep. It invites us to meditate and celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics read:      

 "Loving mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again, To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator, yet remained a virgin after as before, You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners."   

This week, I am away in Washington, DC, to attend a State Catholic Conference Directors meeting at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. I return on Sunday evening. Be well. Do good. God Bless. A Blessed Advent! See you at Mass on the Immaculate Conception Holy Day! Mother Mary, pray for us!