Pray for Pope Francis

Pray for Pope Francis

Prayer for Pope Francis

O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favorably on your servant Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; grant, we pray, that by word and example, he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen

Congratulations to OLM's Newest Altar Servers

Congratulations to OLM's Newest Altar Servers

The 2024 Altar Server Class of
Our Lady of Mercy Church

Daniel & Kinley Anter
Sam & Ben Calabro
Amalia & Luciana Calero
Caroline Colligan
Andrew Hinrichs
Max Martin
Giuliana Mogan
Kennedy Mulhearn
Ellie Riley


Mass for Deceased Parishioners, Sunday, November 3

Mass for Deceased Parishioners, Sunday, November 3

Please join us as we pray for the OLM Parishioners who died over the last year. Their names are listed below.

In Memoriam
Our Lady of Mercy Parishioners
November 2023-November 2024

 Marie C. Franzone

Michael J. Burley

Norman F. Tancrell

Anna Willett

Ryan P. Casey

Gordon M. Scott

Nancy A. Mooney-Gretchner

Stephen A. Nardelli

Els Cardi

Nancy Chapman

Diana Luchka-Ricci

Cameron M. O’Brien

Pauline M. Cashore

Murray H. Finley, Jr.

Giovina “Jean” Iannucci

Shirley E. Harrington

Ronald J. Verri

Nicolis V. Buonomano

Ann Gail Shahinian

Michael Coscina

Michael L. Ellis

Anthony C. Bartolotta

Norman F. Dufault

Diane M. Souza

Stefanie B. Salfeety

Joseph B. Wypych

Marilyn F. Lamoureux

Rita C. McCaughey

Catherine M. Murphy

Patricia A. Oakes

Joseph A. Ryan

Clementine A. Sisson

Edward M. Medici

Camile M. Craybas

John M. Murphy

Karen K. Folco

Gregory Colgan

Thomas Colgan

Maureen A. O’Brien

James E. McGreary, Jr.

Dennis M. McLaughlin

Walter L. Phillips

Marie A. Ferranti

Thomas J. Rockett

Nicholas Oliveria

Theresa M. Begin

 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


OLP Seminarian Visit  OLM

OLP Seminarian Visit OLM

On Sunday, October 6, the Seminarians of Our Lady of Providence Seminary attended and served the 10:30 am Mass. OLM Seminarian David Delbonis among them. Mass was celebrated by Father Ryan W. Connors, S.T.D., Rector of OLP Seminary. In attendance at the Mass was Fr. Romanus Cessiaro, O.P., Professor of Theology at Ave Maria University. A Welcome Reception followed the Mass in Mercy Park. Please pray for our seminarians and for more vocations to teh Priesthood especially in the Diocese of Providence.

Oktoberfest 2024!

Oktoberfest 2024!