February 1 – St. Brigid of Ireland

St. Brigid was born around the year 450, to a father who was a pagan chieftain and a Christian mother who was a slave. She too was born into slavery but gave even the little that she had to the poor. Traditions suggest that St. Brigid and her mother were forced by slavery to work the dairy farm. St. Brigid would gather what she could from the farm and distribute it to the poor. This enraged her father, who eventually set her free. In her newfound freedom, she entered the convent of St. Macaille. At the time there was no organized monastic life for women in Ireland. This inspired St. Brigid to establish many convents throughout Ireland. She is the first woman to establish organized religious communities for women in Ireland. As part of these religious community’s daily labor was required, often including dairy farming, with the milk and dairy products given to  the poor. Her generosity, charity, and working in dairy farms led to her being named the patron saint of dairy farmers and cheesemakers!  In honor of St. Brigid and to celebrate her feast day, what better way than with some down-home macaroni and cheese, following St. Brigid’s generosity with dairy products!


Macaroni and Cheese-Ingredients

1lb Macaroni

1 tablespoon canola oil

4 cloves of garlic, minced

4 tbsp unsalted butter (Irish if you have it!)

4 tbsp all-purpose flower

4 ½ cups whole milk

3 ½ cups shredded sharp cheddar

1 ½ cups smoked gouda

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

1 ½ tbsp Dijon mustard

2 tsp paprika

1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese



Step 1 – Preheat oven to 375°F Step 2 – Bring large pot of heavily salted water to boil, once boiling cook pasta until it is slightly UNDERCOOKED, drain pasta and set aside. Step 3- While pasta is boiling, in large nonstick skillet, heat canola oil at medium heat, add garlic and cook lightly.  Step 4 – Melt butter in the same skillet, then add flour, cook while whisking until a paste forms. Slowly add the milk while whisking continuously until it is all  incorporated. Add salt, pepper, Dijon mustard, and paprika. Cook until thick and smooth, about 10 minutes. You want to make sure the raw flour is cooked out. Step 5 – Add the cheddar in small amounts stirring in until melted, then do the same with the gouda. Stir until completely melted, then add in the macaroni. Step 6- Scrape into baking dish,  sprinkle with Parmesan and bake until golden brown, 15-20 minutes. Step 7- Serve, enjoy and celebrate St Brigid!