Msgr. Seamus Horgan of Vatican Embassy to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Mass at OLM

Msgr. Seamus Horgan of Vatican Embassy to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Mass at OLM

Monsignor Séamus Horgan

Monsignor Séamus Horgan, a priest of the Diocese of Killaloe, Ireland, is to celebrate and preach the St. Patrick’s Day Mass on Sunday, March 17, 2024, at OLM. The Mass will feature readings and hymns in the Irish Language and is followed by a reception of Irish Coffee and Irish Soda Bread.

Monsignor Horgan studied at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland, and was ordained to the priesthood on June 11, 1994. Following six years of parish ministry he studied in Rome. He received his License Degree in Canon Law from the Pontifical Gregorian University and later earned a Doctorate Degree in Canon Law. He then studied at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome to prepare for the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See. Monsignor has served in various diplomatic postings across the globe including Kampala, Uganda, Berne, Switzerland, Manila, the Philippines, and Rome. He presently serves as the First Counselor at the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, DC.

Catholic Charity Appeal Begins at OLM

Catholic Charity Appeal Begins at OLM

The 2024 Catholic Charity  Appeal, "A State of Hope", has begun. The OLM parish CCA goal remains the same as last year, $190,000, with an overall diocesan goal of $7 million.      Please prayerfully consider a gift or pledge to the appeal as we strive for 100% parish participation.                      

Visit to make a difference today.

2024 Catholic Charity Appeal

OLM Parish Goal=$190,000

Pledged to date=$74,504

Number of pledges to date=113

Average gift=$660

2023 Catholic Charity Appeal

OLM Parish Goal=$190.000

Total Raised=$277,255

Total Number of Pledges=480

Average Gift=$578


Congratulations to our Newly Confirmed

Congratulations to our Newly Confirmed

Congratulations 2023 Confirmation Class

Casey SEBASTIAN Acciardo

Charleigh BRIGID Barone

Allison CATHERINE Bogs

Michael MICHAEL Brugnoli

Christopher JUDE Buontempo

Cathryn ELIZABETH Cavanagh

Nathaniel SEBASTIAN Clark

Kathryn JOAN Colgan


Patrick SEBASTIAN Danehy

Joseph TARCISIUS Ferris

Dillon SEBASTIAN Fitzgibbon

Mia FRANCIS Forbes

Kayleigh JOAN Garrepy

Annabelle GRACE Gesamondo-Arcari

Amaya MARY Gomez


Samantha GEMMA Jarbeau

Harrison MAXIMILIAN Kairnes

Kolby SEBASTIAN Kanelos

Abigail TERESA Kingsly

Brady THOMAS Kopka

Adam MONICA Kortz

Daniel VINCENT Lynch

Cameron CHRISTOPHER Martish

Abigail CAROLINE McAuliffe

Brendan PATRICK McGuire

Alexa ALEXA Moriarty

John ANTHONY Murphy

William MICHAEL Murphy

Michael NICHOLAS Nicchia

Diale JOSEPH Nichols

Madison CATHERINE Ourique

Gianfranco JUAN DIEGO Paletta

Valentina CATHERINE Petit

Michael MICHAEL Quinn

Zoe CATHERINE Rabidoux

Lola HOPE Reikhrud

Eva HILDGRAD Richards

Sophia ELIZABETH Righi

Natalie MARIE Ringler

Olivia FRANCIS Ruth

Brooke ELIZABETH Rutherford

Mia THERESE Sayegh

Holly TERESA Speranza

Nicholas NICHOLAS Stevens

Aidan PAUL Straut

Callum CHRISTOPHER Sweeney

Nathan GREGORY Vieira


Congratulations to the See You in September Raffle Winners!

Congratulations to the See You in September Raffle Winners!

Congratulations to the 2023 Winners


Grand Prize of $5,000

Edith Murray


First Prize of $2,500

Michael Laskowski


Second Prize of $1,000

Roland Menard


Third Prize of $1,000

Catherine Rose


Fourth Prize of $500

Peter Crudden


Thanks for supporting our OLM School Saints & Scholars


Dedication of the Stephen P. Lynch, Sr. Field

Dedication of the Stephen P. Lynch, Sr. Field


Friday, September 1st was an exciting day at Our Lady of Mercy School!  The day began with the Opening School Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated by the Most Reverend Robert C. Evans, Former Auxiliary Bishop of Providence. Father Bernard A. Healey, Pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Parish, served as the homilist.  Following Mass, the school community processed to the newly renovated school field, which was blessed by Bishop Evans and dedicated as the Stephen P. Lynch, Sr. Memorial Field.  Mr. Lynch was a devoted Catholic husband, father, and grandfather who saw five of his grandsons attend Our Lady of Mercy School, and whose family generously donated the funds for the project.  Afterwards, all school families in attendance were invited to the school gymnasium for a reception to celebrate the beginning of the new school year.     

L to R: Fr. Healey,  Daniel Lynch, Mrs. Elizabeth Carrison, Dylan Lynch, Mrs. Trisha Lynch, Declan Lynch, Mrs. Judy Lynch, Mr. David Lynch, Maryna Carrison, Bishop Evans, Mrs. Martha Landry, Fr. Mahoney, Principal McNabb.