
Dear Parishioner: We said “Farewell” to Sister Lucy and Sister Rose this past week.  They have retired from full-time ministry and relocated to larger convents.  There is a letter from the good sisters in this week’s bulletin and also there new addresses if you wish to contact them and wish them well.  In your name, we thank Sister Rose and Sister Lucy for their many years of service to our parish and for their continued witness to the faith.  May God continue to bless them both with good health and happiness in the years to come. We know that  they continue to follow the mission of the foundress of their religious community, St. Lucy Filippini, who reminds us: "The Church of God is not a restful garden, but a working vineyard."

The work continues  getting our school ship shape for the coming year.  The first day of school is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th! It’s hard to believe but it is just two weeks away!  We are working with a security company to install some security measures to further strengthen the safety olm_header_2wand security of our students and faculty.  There are still  some openings in a few of our grades and tuition assistance is available for active OLM parishioners.  If your child or grandchild is interested in a great education in a strong Catholic environment then stop by  or call the OLM School to see if there is a place for them.

It’s hard to believe school starts soon.  When I was a kid, school never began until after Labor Day.  The summer didn’t officially end until the last cookouts and beach outings on Labor Day had concluded.  In some states the school year begins the first week of August.  It seems that “See you in September” has now become “See you in August”!!  Things change and now summer for our OLM students ends on August 28th! In the meantime, please continue to pray for all of our students and faculty as they enjoy the remainder of their summer break.  May they all return tan, rested and ready for another great year!

I recently came across this prayer called “On A Day of Driving” and it is wonderful prayer for this time Impala-Wagonof year as people vacation, drive to the beach, or make day trips. Perhaps we might offer it for those we know who are away for awhile.  It reads: “God who watches over us, watch over this journey.  Keep us free from affliction and strife, safe from danger and wrong doing, protected in Your loving sight. May we know strength and good fortune on the way, rest and peace upon our return. May this travel be blessed with the shelter of Your gentle arms, the guidance of Your mighty hand, the gift of Your countless blessings. Bless our moments apart, bless our moments together. Grace upon departure, joy upon return. Remembering to praise and bless Your Holy Name wherever You lead us. Amen.”

Monday marks “Victory Day” in Rhode Island, more commonly known as VJ Day.  This day marks the surrender of Japan and the end of the Second World War.  It is only a legal holiday in Rhode Island.  It is a day to remember  the fallen and to  pray for all those who died during the Second World War and for peace in our world.

This week we also celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th.  This great feast is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics.  We have a full schedule of Masses: a Vigil Mass at 5:00PM on Wednesday and two Masses at 7:30AM and 7:00PM on the Holy Day itself.  On November 1, 1950 Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of faith. This feast celebrates her assumption body and soul to Heaven.  The words of the Solemn Declaration state:  “it was fitting that the Mother of our Lord, when the course of her earthly life was finished, should be taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven.”  I hope you make every effort to come and celebrate this great feast of our Blessed Mother. See you on the Holy Day. God Bless. Go Sox!!