
Dear Parishioners: raynham-treeI wrote too soon about the sidewalks last week. Due to the big storm on Tuesday, the work on the sidewalks was delayed. The Town was busy cleaning up all the down trees and limbs and couldn’t complete the sidewalks as planned. It was quite a storm last week that brought down trees, limbs, and electric wires. We lost power here at OLM for most of the day on Tuesday. Thankfully it came back on late Tuesday evening. I hope you and your homes weren’t too severely impacted by the storm. And now we look forward to seeing completed sidewalks this week.

The storm surrounding Planned Parenthood continues unfold. Every new video released further demonstrates the depth of depravity ofdefundPP-sono-fb that organization. Sadly the efforts to defund Planned Parenthood went down in defeat in the U.S. Senate last Monday. Unfortunately our two U.S. Senators voted against defunding Planned Parenthood and have thus far even failed to condemn the group’s gravely immoral and depraved actions. I urge you to speak up in defense of life and contact your elected officials in support of life. It is not simply a political issue but a moral issue and so we must continue to speak out in defense of life. The innocent unborn need our voice.

plpDefunding Planned Parenthood is one step in ending this grave moral evil in our nation. The respect of human life, most especially the innocent unborn children, should be a priority for us and for our elected officials. Pray for an end to abortion and for the increased respect of human life.

Cardinal O’Malley of Boston rightly described Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of body parts as part of our “throw-away culture.” Indeed it is! Without our voices and without our commitment to pray and action, the voiceless unborn continue to be treated as just another commodity to be bought and sold. Our Holy Father, PopeinfantboyFrancis, has also lamented the throw-away culture. He stated: “The victims of such a culture are precisely the weakest and most fragile human beings – the unborn, the poorest people, sick elderly people, gravely disabled people… who are in danger of being ‘thrown out,’ expelled from a machine that must be efficient at all costs.”

On a happier note, you can read in this weekend’s bulletin about Brother Brian Bennett. He is from Our Lady of Mercy and his parents Angelico_158x250-158x250Dudley and Kathy are active parishioners. Last Saturday on the Feast of Saint Dominic he formally entered the Novitiate of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Friars). He received his Dominican habit as he begins the process of prayer and study with his fellow Dominican Novices. We offer congratulations to Brother Brian. Let us pray for him and his novice class, may their time be fruitful as they prepare to serve the Church as Dominican Friars.

youthcookoutNext Sunday night at 4:00pm we invite all our OLM high school aged young adults to come to a Kick-off Cookout. It takes place on the OLM School field and should be a great time to get together and discuss the upcoming year. Our OLM Youth Ministry Coordinator, Michael LaChimia, is organizing the event for our parish youth. If you or a member of your family is in high school we invite you to stop by for some good food and good times.

Finally a word of warning to all parishioners. It has come to our attention that a couple of people are “pan-handling” outside Church. This has occurred before and after daily mass andFS_Custom_Caution__33976.1332965098.1000.1000 also during some Church meetings. We ask that you not give these individuals anything and certainly do not give cash. Instead ask them to see the parish priests or OLM Outreach Director, Doug Green, at Mercy House. We are always ready to help those in true need. The generous support you give to the monthly Outreach Collection is designated to help such people in need. If you are approached, please let us know so we are aware of it. Thank you for your cooperation in dealing with his sensitive issue. Have a great week. Be well. Do good. God Bless.