Dear Parishioners:
October is Respect Life Month and the theme this year is "Moved by Mercy.” When we let our hearts be moved by God's mercy, it shapes everything. As Pope Francis said, "We are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us.” God offers his gift of mercy to each and every one of us, no matter what. But we have to decide to receive that gift—whether or not to turn away from sin and turn, instead, toward him. We have to decide whether we want God.
God made each of us in his own image and likeness. He desires to be united with us forever in a loving relationship. God loves us, treats us with respect, and asks us to do the same with others. Every person is sacred and must be treated with the dignity they deserve. No one should ever be treated callously or carelessly—everyone should be cherished and protected! From each tiny child waiting to be born, to individuals nearing death, all are precious and deserve our care and protection. Women and men suffering after abortion, individuals tempted to end their lives, couples longing to conceive a child, people pushed to the margins of society by a "throwaway culture," expectant mothers facing challenging pregnancies, and every other person—each "has a place in God's heart from all eternity.”
We live in an increasingly secularized culture that does not respect human life and dignity. We need to pray this month foran increase in the protection for all human life and respect the human dignity of all. One of the best ways to take up this call to prayer is to pick up your Rosary and use it! We had a good crowd for October Devotions last Monday but there was plenty of room for more. I urge you to take some time out of your busy schedule and join us in praying the Rosary for life as we adore Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist. It will be a better half-hour than The Wheel of Fortune! Hope to see you there!
OLM is looking for new Altar Servers to join our 63 current Servers. Any child of OLM Parish who is currently in the 4th Grade or higher is eligible. Training is provide and it if offers great spiritual benefits. We are blessed to have such a committed cadre of Altar Servers. Many of them serve our parish through high school and beyond. We are grateful to these young men and women for their commitment to serving God and our Parish. I ask you to encourage your child or grandchild to join the few, the proud the OLM Altar Servers! They will learn discipline and duty, commitment and reverence and truly serve God and Parish.
Last week the Rock musician Bruce Springsteen was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on his late night program. They were discussing Springsteen’s new biography and their Catholic Faith. Springsteen revealed that he was “the world’s worst Altar Server.” Colbert said he too had been an Altar Server at his childhood parish and served for 11 years! Did you know Tom Brady was as an Altar Server too!
Now consider this other story about two boys, Annibale della Genga, and Francesco Castiglioni. Growing up in Italy during the end of the 18th Century, they too were Altar Servers at their parish. One Sunday before Mass they had a fight in the Sacristy. One of the boys cracked a brass candlestick on the other boy's head causing him to bleed. Their parish priest was quite naturally upset, but kept calm, reprimanded them but gave them another chance to serve Mass. Thankfully they were given another chance to serve! It turns out this was a good thing as later on in their lives, della Genga would become Pope Leo XII who reigned as Pope between 1823 and 1829. And his friend, Castiglioni would follow him as Pope Pius VIII. Discipline and duty, commitment and reverence are great skills for life! Yes, Altar Serving can lead to great things!
Pray the Rosary! Join us for October Devotions! Be well. Do good. Go Sox! !!! Welcome back Tom Brady! Go Pats!!!! God Bless. A Happy Columbus Day!