Dear Parishioners:
It was St. Augustine who said: “If we had no care for the dead, we would not be in the habit of praying for them.” This Sunday in a very special way we pray for the fifty-six souls from OLM who have died this past year. During this All Souls Month of November we remember all our beloved deceased and also all the dead who have no one to pray for them.
The Church has consistently encouraged the offering of prayers and Masses for the souls of the faithful departed and the poor souls in Purgatory. At the time of their death, these souls are not perfectly cleansed of venial sin or have not atoned for past transgressions, and thereby are deprived of the Beatific Vision. We, the faithful on earth, can assist these souls in Purgatory in attaining the Beatific Vision through our prayers, good works and the offering of Masses.
In the early days of the Church, the names of the faithful departed were posted in Church so that the community would remember them in prayer. Each Sunday we pray for all the living and deceased parishioners of OLM. This Sunday at the 10:30am Mass we pray in particular for the dead whose names are posted in the bulletin. May they rest in peace.
There is also an ancient and venerable tradition of visiting the graves of the dead especially in November. This tradition finds its roots in the scriptures. Our Lord Jesus Christ visited the tomb of his friend Lazarus, only to call him out and raise him from the dead. On the morning of the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene was on her way to the tomb of Jesus to pay her respects, when she discovered the empty tomb. As we visit the graves of our loved ones, we do so in anticipation of that day when God will call forth the dead from their graves into the fullness of resurrected life.
As we mark this All Souls Month of November as a parish family I encourage every family to visit the grave of a deceased loved one, to remember them in daily prayer and to have Holy Mass offered for the repose of their souls. Also when visiting a cemetery consider finding a grave of someone who has not had any visitors in some time and most likely also has no one to pray for them and add them to your list of daily prayer intentions.
Our Lord appearing to St Gertrude
St. Gertrude, a 13th century nun and mystic, received visits from Jesus. Tradition suggests that Our Lord taught her a prayer and told her that when prayed it would release 1,000 souls in Purgatory. It’s a short, beautiful, and powerful prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, for those in my own home, and in my family. Amen.”
The most common prayer for the faithful departed is the Eternal Rest prayer. It is my practice, and I highly recommend to all people, that during every visit to the cemetery to conclude your time with it. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. And may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
This week all the Bishops of New England including Bishop Tobin and Bishop Evans are in Rome on what is traditionally called "ad limina apostolorum." This means "to the thresholds of the apostles" Saints Peter and Paul, who were martyred in Rome. On their ad liminia visit Bishops meet personally with the Holy Father and also visit various Vatican Offices to report on the condition of their individual diocese. Bishops also offer Masses for their local Churches at the Basilicas of Rome and at the Tomb of St. Peter. Please pray for them this week.
Fr. Barrow is on his annual retreat this week at Arnold Hall Retreat House in Pembroke, Massachusetts. Each year a priest is required to make a retreat of five days. Father departs on Monday and is to return late on Friday. Please pray for him and the other priests on retreat this week that it may be a fruitful time of prayer and renewal.
It’s November remember the dead and pray for All Souls! Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Pats! Oremus pro invicem!