Dear Parishioners:


Next weekend we take up the Catholic Charity Appeal at OLM. It is our annual call to prayerfully and financially support the good works of our local Church in the Diocese of Providence. The Catholic Charity Appeal annually raises about $8 million for the various charitable ministries and social services of the diocese, including the diocesan homeless shelter, programs for the elderly, immigration and refugee services, as well as prison and hospital ministry. For most of these programs, appeal donations serve as the primary source of funding that staff and volunteers rely upon to continue their work within the community. These good works include welcoming refugees and immigrants, feeding the hungry and housing the homeless, aiding the sick and visiting the prisoner, and teaching the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith to our young people and sharing the Good News of Christ with the ignorant.

The Catholic Charity Appeal supports the many ministries and programs of the Diocese of Providence which provide social, educational and spiritual support to thousands of Rhode Islanders each year regardless of race, creed or background. We do not help people because they are Catholic, we do it because we are Catholic!

We take up the Catholic Charity Appeal at all Masses next weekend. Our 2019 OLM Parish Goal is $200,000 and I am confident that we can once again not only make the goal, but exceed it! Amidst the “bad news” we hear at times about our Church, the good news is to be found among the many good works that continue to be done by our local Church. This incredible work of Christ in serving the poor, welcoming the stranger, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, teaching the ignorant and healing the sick and brokenhearted takes place on a daily basis across our state. These good works are solely dependent upon our donations and pledges to the CCA. Your gifts to the CCA ensure that this work can continue. So in the name of the poor and needy, I ask once again for your prayers and your generous financial support of the Appeal.


I wish to thank Kevin and Nancy McDevitt who have generously served as the Chairs of the CCA at OLM over the last six years. After years of successfully leading the Appeal here at OLM, they are “retiring” as Chairs! We offer our profound gratitude for their generous witness to the faith and good works of our Church. I am so grateful that Ron and Kate Jelinek have generously volunteered to serve as our new Chairs of the Catholic Charity Appeal at OLM. They are long time OLM parishioners and OLM school parents. I also wish to again thank Steve and Antonia Zubiago who continue to serve as the Chairs to the Bishop’s Partners in Charity portion of the Appeal at OLM. We are most grateful for their willingness to serve our parish and Church.

Our goal this year for the Appeal has been raised to $200,000. OLM has always been a leader in supporting this effort to fund and sustain the good works of the Church. I know we can count upon this generous support again this year. Please be prepared for next weekend as I will be speaking at all Masses about the CCA and Ron Jelinek will lead the in-pew solicitation of the CCA at all Masses. We are asking every parish family to prayerfully consider pledging a sacrificial gift of $300. This can be pledged over 10 months for just $30 per month. I am most grateful for any gift you choose to give to the CCA. In the name of the poor and needy who directly benefit from your generosity, I offer my heartfelt thanks.


I am overjoyed to announce that Shirley Medici has agreed to lead our OLM Youth Choir. Shirley is a long time Music Teacher with a Master’s Degree in Music Education. She is an OLM parishioner and has worked with both school and church choirs for many years. If your children are interested in singing in our OLM Youth Choir, they should attend an introductory meeting this Friday at 2:45pm in the OLM School Music Room. The Youth Choir is open to any young OLM Parishioner. We look forward to hearing their joyful voices of praise at Mass soon!

Be well. Do good. God Bless