Dear Parishioners:


There are a lot of comings and goings at OLM these days! Our Summer Seminarian, Dan Mahoney, arrived this past Wednesday to begin his assignment here at OLM. We look forward to having him with us for the next ten weeks as he works and lives with Fr. Barrow and I. Dan will be helping at Masses, with our OLM Outreach, at OLM School and at our upcoming Vacation Bible School. Please give him a warm welcome after Mass. And be sure to say hello when you see him around town or the parish.

Sister Lourdes, one of our wonderful Franciscan Apostolic Sisters, is home for few weeks on a visitation to the Motherhouse in the Philippines. She arrived safely last week after a 30 hour flight! She will visit with her family and then attend meetings with her religious community. Sister returns to OLM in mid June, please keep her in your prayers. .

Mr. Hiep Nguyen.png

Next Sunday, the newly ordained Deacon Hiep Nguyen is visiting OLM. He is to preach the homily at the 10:30am Mass. Following the Mass, there is a Reception in Mercy Park where we can offer our congratulations to Deacon Hiep. I hope you can stop by and wish him well.

Now that classes have ended at St. John’s Seminary in Boston, our own Fr. Connors is coming back to OLM for the summer months. He will be helping us with Masses here at OLM, and also helping out other area parishes while back in Rhode Island. We are always happy to have him back with us at OLM!

Monday is Memorial Day, a day in which we pay tribute and honor to all those men and women who died serving our nation and the cause of liberty. Please remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our nation in your prayers, and at Masses, this weekend. May God grant them eternal rest.


On Memorial Day join us for Mass at 8:30AM as we pray for our nation and offer Mass for all deceased veterans. The Memorial Day Parade also commences on Monday morning. Once again I have the privilege to offer prayers at the Veterans Memorial on Cliff Street as the parade pauses to remember the fallen. I hope you can get to see the parade, it’s a great tradition for our community.

Also, please join us for the final May Devotions on Monday night at 7:00pm as we pray the Rosary and seek the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother. Praying the Rosary before the Eucharistic Lord, is a great way to strengthen our relationship with the Lord. May Our Lady of Mercy intercede for us, our nation, and all those who protect our liberty and freedom.

With the end of May comes the end of our 5:00PM Sunday Evening Mass for the season. It resumes on the First Sunday of September which happens to be September 1st this year. For those looking for evening Masses on Sundays, there are several at the beach parishes in South County throughout the summer months.


On Thursday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension. The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ occurred 40 days after His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. At His Ascension, the Lord Jesus ascended, Body and Soul, into heaven in the presence of His Apostles and disciples. The 40 day period between the Resurrection of Our Lord and His Ascension into heaven is described by the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a time “when He eats and drinks familiarly with His disciples and teaches them about the Kingdom”


This feast contains two elements as Pope Francis teaches us: “On one hand, it directs our look to Heaven, where Jesus, glorified, is seated at the right hand of God On the other, it recalls the beginning of the Church’s mission.” The Ascension is a Holy Day of Obligation and thus Catholics are obligated to attend Mass.

At OLM, there are four Masses for the Feast: a Vigil Mass on Wednesday at 5:00PM and three Masses on the Holy Day itself at 7:30AM, 9:00AM and 7:00PM. The 9:00AM Mass on Ascension Thursday will include the many grandparents who will be with us for the OLM School Grandparents Day. This Mass is likely to be very crowded.

See you at Mass on the Holy Day. Be well. Do Good. Go Sox and Bruins! Have a Happy Memorial Day! God Bless America!