Dear Parishioners:                          


After much prayerful discernment, reflection and discussion among the staff, Parish Finance Council, and numerous parishioners of our parish, we have decided to undertake a parish-wide capital campaign,  “Our Faith, Our Future; Grateful for God’s Providence” to raise the funds necessary to repair and make capital improvements to our Church and facilities. I am grateful to Joe and Carol Cavanagh and Mike and Brooke O’Connell who serve as the Chairs of our committee.

Over the next several  months, we will be reaching out to every parishioner to explain the project.  We are planning to hold a number of campaign receptions in October.  Every family will be invited to attend.  Receptions will be social and educational and are an opportunity to come together to hear about the campaign, ask questions and get involved!  Please watch for your invitation in the mail and RSVP promptly.

In addition, I ask all parishioners to consider volunteering during the next few months to assist in the campaign. In order for the campaign to be successful for our parish, we need numerous volunteers to assist in the campaign.  During the next few months the campaign will need help in a variety of activities including phone calls, mailings and follow-up contact/visits to fellow parishioners. Please give your most sincere consideration to this important request for help.  In the pews this weekend, you will find a Volunteer Card.  If you are willing to volunteer, please fill out the card and drop in the  collection basket or return it to the parish office.  Additional information will be sent to all those who sign-up to volunteer.


It is with great enthusiasm that we officially kick-off our “Our Faith, Our Future; Grateful for God’s Providence” Capital Campaign this weekend. Now is the time to repair and make capital improvements to our Church and facilities. Our efforts for the next few months will be directed at raising a minimum of $2,000,000 to accomplish this goal.  We know that this will be a call to sacrifice. However, we are confident that we will succeed because of the drive, commitment and generosity of our parish family. While we live out faith today, we need to truly prepare for the future as did the faithful who founded this wonderful parish in 1853.

It was in 1853 that Bishop O’Reilly appointed the newly ordained Father Patrick J. Lenihan as the founding Pastor of the Church of the Holy Name in East Greenwich, later to be re-named the Church of Our Lady of Mercy. For over 160 years the Catholic faithful of Our Lady of Mercy Church have been generous in supporting their church and living their faith. We  know this is indeed a very challenging endeavor. However, I am confident that we will succeed for these reasons: (1) the spirit, vitality and enthusiasm of you, the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Family, (2) the generosity of our parishioners over the many years as you have worked together on many different projects.


Some parishioners may ask why are we doing this? I’m sure you have noticed that some of our parish facilities have become tired, outdated and limited.  As we live our faith here at Our Lady of Mercy, we also must ensure a future for the faith here in East Greenwich.  We can do this by making a sacrifice today as did our founders in faith at Our Lady of Mercy and so many faithful have done over the years. I urge you to participate in the campaign and also most importantly pray for its success. Our future at Our Lady of Mercy is bright and we can make it brighter by preparing for tomorrow. 

This future includes the 100 young people of OLM who are to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next Sunday at 5:00PM.  We pray for them and their sponsors as they come forward in faith to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  In your name and the name of the Confirmation Class, we welcome Bishop John Noonan of Orlando, Florida to OLM for our Confirmation Mass.  I have known Bishop Noonan since his days as the  Rector of the seminary in Miami.  With great joy and gratitude we welcome him  to OLM for this important day in the life of our parish and the young adults to be confirmed, 

Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Pats! Oremus pro invicem!

Online Reception Registration