Dear Parishioners:             

Last weekend we heard from our outstanding OLM Students!  What a great job they did telling us why they love their school! The OLM School Open House saw many prospective students visit and see firsthand all the great things going on there. We thank you for your support of OLM School, and as Catholic Schools Week end, I ask you to please continue praying for our young saints and scholars!


This weekend we celebrate the great Feast of the Presentation of the Lord as this year it falls on a Sunday.  The feast of Jesus' presentation in the temple forty days after his birth, always celebrated on February 2nd, has a long history in the Eastern and Western Church. The Mosaic law prescribed that every firstborn male in Israel had to be consecrated to God forty days after birth and redeemed with a sum deposited in the Temple treasury. This was in remembrance of the firstborn sons being preserved from death on the night of the first Passover during the exodus from Egypt.

St. Joseph and our Lady entered the temple in Jerusalem, unnoticed among the crowd. The “desired of all nations” came to the house of his Father in his Mother’s arms. But as we are reminded in the liturgy of this feast, Jesus was unlike any other child for he is: “A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”

In commemorating the arrival and manifestation of the divine light to the world, the Church each year blesses candles as they are a symbol of Jesus’ eternal presence and the light of faith received in the sacrament of Baptism. The procession with lighted candles recalls for us the Christian life as a pathway always illuminated by the light of Christ.


This weekend we also anticipate the Feast of St. Blaise on February 3rd. He was a bishop and martyr of the early Church and became popular for centuries as many cures were attributed to his intercession. This began with the tradition  of his saving a child who was choking to death on a fish bone caught in his throat. St. Blaise is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and is invoked for all throat afflictions. The blessing of throats takes place at the end of all Masses this weekend.

Using two blessed candles placed on the throat the priest offers a blessing with a prayer as  he calls forth the powerful intercession of St. Blaise to protect us from all ailments of throat and all other afflictions and ailments! It is rather timely in this season of colds and flu! This is especially true this year as the flu is  so widespread.  So turn to St. Blaise for his powerful intercession to protect us from afflictions of the throat and every other ailment especially the flu.


Also out of an abundance of caution and with the strong recommendation of medical doctors, I have suspended the  communal “Sign of Peace” at at all Masses at OLM.  This is to continue until the cold and flu season has been abated. This precaution helps avoids the hand to hand contact that  often spreads germs that cause flu and colds.  If you are suffering from the flu, please stay at home and take care of yourself.  We promise to pray for you!


 We hope and pray that the flu subsides in our nation.  We also must pray that the deadly outbreak of the Corona Flu Virus in China and now spreading across the globe may also subside.   Let us pray for those suffering as a result of this deadly flu especially the millions who are now quarantined in China.  May St. Blaise, intercede for them all!

Fr. Barrow and his band of merry pilgrims report that they had a truly joyful and fruitful journey in the Holy Land.  Their trip was safe and peaceful with many tremendous opportunities for prayer, devotion and worship at the holiest sites of Christianity.  They worshiped and prayed where Jesus Christ did himself. We are happy they are home safe. Welcome back!

Next weekend our OLM School 8th Graders  head north to Quebec for the annual OLM graduation trip.  Fr. Barrow, the world traveler, is going along too!  Pray for their safe travel, as it is always very cold and snowy this time of year in Quebec. It is a very educational and fun trip for all!  Bon Voyage!

It’s cold and flu season so please wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere! Be well. Do Good! God Bless.  Enjoy the Superbowl!