
Dear Parishioners,

This is truly a unique Lent for all of us. Like our Lord we are in the desert and like him we are learning to hunger for our neighbors, our families, and most especially for the Eucharist. Please be assured of our prayers for your safety and health.

Here at OLM we have been moving swiftly to try and adopt to our current situation and to ensure that parishioners stay are served materially and spiritually.

Here are some of the projects we anticipate launching in the next few days.

  • Currently Fr. Barrow and I are celebrating private Masses to ensure that the Mass intentions are offered. We also use it as an opportunity to pray for your personal intentions.

  • Fr. Barrow and I continue to hear confessions at the regular Lenten and normal hours.

  • We are in the process of equipping the church with live streaming so we can post the Mass online on our website or through another suitable program (e.g. Facebook Live, Youtube, etc.).

  • We are organizing our OLM Outreach efforts to serve the community, especially for those who are elderly or homebound. We may reach out to parishioners to volunteer their time to deliver food and supplies.

  • We are in the process of setting up “Flocknote” which is an email and text platform to quickly send out updates and information to the entire parish.

  • The church remains open for private prayer. We just ask that people maintain safe distance (6 ft.) from one another.

  • Our maintenance crew are thoroughly cleaning the church and school on a regular basis.

  • Our RE team is providing resources for home instruction

  • Our OLM School faculty and students have begun online classes

These are just some of the efforts we are enacting as we adapt to these times. We remain in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters who are suffering and sick and for those who care for them.


In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus tell us, “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid!” (Mark 6:50). Like those who have gone before us in faith, the apostles, martyrs, and saints we are all called to boldly lead not only in response to people’s material needs, but to care for their even more important spiritual needs.

Please know of our continued prayers for you and your families.

Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us!

In Christ,

Fr. Healey