Dear Parishioners:             


By now we’ve all learned that the Coronavirus Flu has hit Rhode Island.  Some staff and students at St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket have been diagnosed with it after traveling to Italy and France on a school trip. St. Ray’s cancelled school this past week.  It other parts of the world where there has been an outbreak, churches, schools and all public gathering locations  have been closed.  Also some local Bishops have suspended public Masses in Italy and other countries. Professional soccer teams in Europe have been playing in empty stadiums. 

We must stands in solidarity with those affected by the Coronavirus and their families, health workers who are valiantly trying to diagnose and treat patients, and those under quarantine awaiting results of their screening for the virus. We continue to offer our prayers for healing and support those organizations, both domestic and international, working to provide medical supplies and assistance to address this serious risk to public health.

Here at OLM we have already suspended the communal sign of peace. We have instructed our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to wash and sanitize their hands in the sacristy before and after the distribution of Holy Communion. We try to regularly clean surfaces lots of people touch in Church and change the Holy Water in the fonts frequently. It is also advisable to receive Holy Communion on the hand rather than directly in the mouth until this flu period has ended. But  perhaps one of the best way of protecting us from the flu’s spread is for everyone to use  common sense and good hygiene.


Here are some guidelines to follow: if you sneeze or cough, please do so into a tissue or into your sleeve not on the person in front of you or in your hand! If you do use a tissue please dispose of it properly.  There isn’t a day that goes by that dirty tissues are not found on the Church floor!  Wash and sanitize your hands before Mass. Do not touch your face unless you’ve washed your hands.  And please if you are sick, have flu or cold symptoms stay home and call you doctor!! 

Fear and panic are not the proper response to this Flu Crisis.  Rather we should  practice good hygiene and respond with common sense and faith.  So please pray for those suffering from the flu and for the crisis to end.  Pray for the intercession of St. Charles Borromeo, who as the Archbishop of Milan was so courageous and faithful in serving the sick and easing the sufferings of the victims of the plague in the 16th Century. 

I hope you made it to the Lenten Parish Mission! Fr. Macdonald our Mission Preacher did a fine job!   It was truly a grace filled time for our parish family to begin the Holy Season of Lent.  Father is a talented and terrific young priest who offered a great message for us to reflect upon and pray about as we take the up the Battle for Lent!  May we persevere with Christ in the desert during these forty days of renewal and conversion.  We had plenty of opportunity to make a good Confession each night of the Mission with four priests available to hear Confessions. 


If you haven’t made a good Confession in awhile, consider coming on Monday night at 6:00pm. There are two priests available in Lent including a Guest Confessor.   Also All Day Confessions are scheduled for Saturday, March 21st!

On Saturday afternoon our First Communion Class made their First Confessions.  What a great day for these children as they Sacramentally experience God’s mercy  for the very first time. It is truly an occasion of faith, hope and joy for these children, the priests and our entire parish family.   Saint Pope John Paul the Great teaches: “Confession is an act of honesty and courage - an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.”  Trust in God’s love and mercy. Be courageous, go to Confession this Lent!  

In your name, I thank Fr. Tom Macdonald for preaching our Lenten Mission! He did an outstanding job and we are grateful for his priestly ministry. Please pray for him and his good work at St. John’s Seminary.  It’s Lent so pray, fast and give alms! And  remember that all Fridays during Lent are for fish and the Stations of the Cross! Be well. Do Good! God Bless.