Dear Parishioners:             


We continue to live through this Covid-19 Pandemic with faith and hope.  The faith that God  provides us the strength, perseverance and patience to endure this time of trial.  The hope that the crisis may soon subside, restrictions on our social living eased, cures and vaccines might soon be found.  It is clear that without such faith and hope, we would be doomed to despair and overcome with anxiety.

It is with this spirit of faith that we hope to once again celebrate public Mass with a congregation. Bishop Tobin has publicly shared his desire that public Masses may recommence on Pentecost Sunday on May 31.  His  office is presently formulating guidelines for this eventuality.  These guidelines are the result of a national committee of liturgists, canonist, theologians, medical doctors and scientist who have been advising  the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops  They express how to best  restore public worship in the Catholic Church that ensures the public health and safety of all.


Rhode Island’s own Dr. Timothy Flanigan, a Permanent Deacon of the Diocese of Providence and international expert on infectious disease along with PC’s Professor of Biology  Dominican Father Nicanor Austriaco, O.P. are part of this team of national experts  providing  guidelines for public worship during this time of pandemic.   Locally, Bishop Tobin and his staff have been working closely with the Governor’s Office and  the RI Department of Health. As restrictions on activities and size of gatherings begin to ease over the next few weeks, we intend to follow the guidance of our Bishop and plan to restore the public celebration of Mass at OLM.

I ask  for your prayers  as we begin  this process at OLM but also for your patience and cooperation. The public celebration of Mass will be limited in size and include many safeguards for the safety and well being of all. So please pray for this good end but also be very patient  through the process. Certainly there will be a limit on the size of the congregation allowed in church and also the need to maintain distance during Mass. The church  will need to be hygienically cleaned before and after every public Mass.  Given supply chain difficulties, it may be especially challenging to purchase needed cleaning supplies expeditiously. Also the reception of Holy Communion  undoubtedly presents a challenge. There are no procedures that entirely prevent all risk of infection .  We are relying upon medical and public health experts to give us the best possible advice and guidance about this subject. Working with the Diocese and following proper common sense and safeguards, we are working on a a plan for OLM.


In the meantime, OLM is open daily for your private prayer and devotion.  We hope you  keep social distancing while in church and wear a mask for the sake of others.  Thankfully most parishioners have been cooperative and used common sense when in church. The very last thing I wish to become is a public safety officer who has to admonish people for not following common sense precautions.  We must work in solidarity  and also we must be realistic.  The public celebration of Mass will be very different than we’ve known it.  It will require tremendous patience and great kindness along with cooperation, consideration and common sense by all. 


There has been much pain and suffering endured during this pandemic.  Families have seen their loved ones die alone  without a Mass of Christian Burial. People continue to suffer with great sickness while others endure financial hardship and burdens.  We must continue to pray for them that God might end this plague. Also I know the suffering endured  by many because of no Mass and Holy Communion.  The Eucharistic fast borne of Covid-19, is a painful time for people of faith.  I pray that we are united again at God’s Holy Altar and together rejoice in the Risen Lord truly present in the Eucharist! Our plans for public Mass will be announced in the coming weeks until that time, please continue to pray, persevere and have patience! As Saint John Paul II, reminds us: “Don’t waste your suffering!”

Be well. Do Good! Stay safe! God Bless. Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us!