Dear Parishioners:                                

We began public Masses last weekend with great rejoicing and with much hope. I am grateful for the patience and cooperation that helped to make it go smoothly. The 7:30 AM Mass saw the most people attending, but there were many people at all the Masses.   The safety precautions of wearing face masks and social distancing are essential to observe for the health and well being of all of us. Also, the method for receiving Holy Communion offers a safe way to receive for those who wish to take Communion. We hope and pray for that the day when Covid-19 Virus might cease, and we can return to a normal style of worship.


My thanks to our OLM Maintenance Crew, who work so hard to keep our church clean and also for preparing for public Mass. Their hard work and great concern for the well being of our parish is deeply appreciated. If you see them, please offer your thanks.

We continue with the new schedule of weekend Masses: 5:00 PM on Saturdays and 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM on Sundays. Unfortunately, the cleaning of our large church after public Mass takes time, and we cannot complete it and reopen for the 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays.     We are keeping this weekend Mass schedule until further notice. Mass is also celebrated publicly at 7:30 AM, Monday through Friday, and at 8:30 AM on Saturday mornings. We encourage you to consider coming to daily Mass.

However, if you are elderly, infirm, or sick, please stay home and stay safe. Also, if you remain concerned about gathering for public Mass, please know that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be dispensed by Bishop Tobin. Therefore, it is not a grave sin to miss Mass. Instead, we urge you to join us for the live stream Mass each Sunday at 10:30 AM and offer a Spiritual Communion. We continue to live stream Sunday Mass at 10:30 AM for all those unable to attend. We know you've found consolation in these virtual Masses, and we know that for some of you, this is your only way to participate in Sunday Mass.

Sadly, just as we resumed public Masses last weekend, we witnessed much violence and rioting across the country. The killing of George Floyd, which led to this unrest, was a senseless and brutal act of injustice. The sadness and pain surrounding this tragedy are intense. We pray for comfort for his grieving family and friends, peace for a hurting community, and prudence while the process moves forward. This tragic injustice indeed calls us all to continue to pray for justice and peace.

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops stated: "We should not let it be said that George Floyd died for no reason. We should honor the sacrifice of his life by removing racism and hate from our hearts and renewing our commitment to fulfill our nation's sacred promise — to be a beloved community of life, liberty, and equality for all."


The tragedy also moved many people to legitimately protest against injustice and racism. Such peaceful protest is a liberty we rightly enjoy living in a free country. It has a proper role in allowing us to speak out for justice and dignity.   But the violence and destruction witnessed across the nation this past week, even here in Providence should be rightly condemned. It is self-destructive and self-defeating. Nothing is ever gained by senseless violence and wanton destruction. Rather so much is lost. Dr. Martin Luther King taught: "Violence never brings permanent peace." In this time in our nation's history, as we seek peace, his words speak loudly and profoundly.

Amid this pandemic, we've seen much death and great suffering. Human frailty is so very evident. Let us remember the call of the Gospel of Life to respect the life and dignity of every human being. Such respect must be apparent whether they be civilians in need of protection or law enforcement officers charged with providing that protection. All human life is sacred.  

  We pray for our nation in these uncertain times. We join the Psalmist in praying for that day when "love and truth will meet [and] justice and peace will kiss.” Be Well. Do Good! Stay safe. God Bless  Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us.