Dear Parishioners:
Corpus Christi Procession to Mercy Park on Sunday, June 19, 2022.
I thank the many people who made our celebration of Corpus Christi at the 10:30 am Mass so wonderful last Sunday. The Eucharistic Procession to Mercy Park was beautiful, and the sun shined just as we began. Reflecting on the beautiful Mass and procession, I was reminded of the words of St. John Vianney: "If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy."
I thank Bishop Evans for celebrating the Mass and leading the procession. Our altar servers did an outstanding job. Our Music Director, Henri St. Louis, and the Choir sang beautifully. We must also thank our canopy bearers who helped us in the procession. As a tribute to Father's Day, we had two Father and Son teams assist us, Anthony and Lucas Caporaso and Brian and Connor Igoe.
We have another celebration today at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. Bishop Tobin is offering Mass in honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Providence. This Mass marks the conclusion of the sesquicentennial celebrations and activities over the last year.
Bishop Thomas F. Hendricken
We remember that the first Bishop of Providence, Thomas Francis Hendricken, was born on May 5, 1827, in Kilkenny, Ireland. He arrived as a newly ordained missionary priest in Rhode Island in 1853. He served at various parishes throughout Rhode Island and Connecticut. And he was appointed by Pius IX as the first Bishop of the newly created Diocese of Providence in 1872. He launched the building of a new cathedral, and on Thanksgiving Day, 1878, a large block of Kilkenny marble was laid as the cornerstone of the present Cathedral. When he died in 1886, the Cathedral, while yet unfinished, was opened for his Funeral Mass. Bishop Hendricken High School is named in his honor.
Much has changed in the Church and the world since Bishop Hendricken led our Church one hundred fifty years ago. However, the mission of the Church has not changed. We continue to proclaim the Gospel, teach the Catholic Faith, and sanctify the People of God in the Sacraments. The Catholic Church in Rhode Island continues to serve Christ in her many charitable works.
Works like Emmanuel House in Providence near R.I. Hospital. A homeless shelter run by the Diocese of Providence, it serves over 50 homeless men nightly. It is renovating to create a new space for 30 beds for homeless women.
Bishop Tobin serves Thanksgiving Dinner at Emmanuel House.
St. Martin de Porres, the inner-city senior center in the West End of Providence, provides meals, health screenings, nutrition assistance, and social events for the low-income elderly of the area. It, too, is undergoing a renovation to expand its food pantry that serves over 300 families weekly.
Our Diocesan Office of Refugee and Immigration Services received 98 Afghani refugees early this year. They successfully found housing and jobs for them. More Afghani refugees are scheduled to arrive in the fall, as are over 50 additional refugees from Ukraine.
The Keep the Heat On Fund distributed nearly $500,000 in assistance to over 1,000 low-income families. This Fund assists with heating costs. It is the greatest amount of assistance granted since the program's inception.
Also, the assistance for low-income families through Gabriel's Call is increasing its amount of assistance. And thanks to many of you we have donated much-needed baby diapers, wipes, formula, and food. Thank you for your support.
These charitable works are funded by the Annual Catholic Charity Appeal. As of this date, Our Lady of Mercy has surpassed our parish goal of $190,000, raising over $259,000 from 437 families. Again thanks to your tremendous generosity and support, OLM leads the Diocese in donations for the CCA.
The tomb of Bishop Hendricken at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence.
Yes, much has changed since 1872 in both the world and the Church, but the faith, hope and charity of Catholics in Rhode Island lives on today. It remains a living witness to the Light of Christ in the world. So let us celebrate our Anniversary and be grateful for God's Providence! Please remember in prayer the generations of faithful Catholics who helped build and serve the Diocese of Providence over these many years. Happy 150th Anniversary! Be well. Stay safe. Do good. God Bless.