Dear Parishioners:                        

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder," suggested the great Catholic writer G.K. Chesterton. And so, as we continue to bask in the wonder and joy of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, let me offer thanks to the many people who made Christmas so beautiful at Our Lady of Mercy.  

We thank Paul Anderson and our outstanding OLM Maintenance Crew, who work hard cleaning and preparing for Christmas. They set up the creche both inside and outside, set up and decorate the trees, cleaned and polished the floor, and even directed the traffic on Christmas Eve. We are grateful for their dedication to OLM.     

We thank the OLM Decorating Committee, who do a tremendous job making the Church look beautiful for the celebration of our Lord's birthday. We also thank our good Franciscan Apostolic Sisters, who ensure everything for the Masses is prepared, pressed, and polished. All of their efforts help keep the beauty and dignity of the Sacred Liturgy.   

We are grateful to the many Altar Severs who served Christmas Masses with dedication and devotion. Their respectful, reverent, and dignified service ensures the solemnity of Holy Mass. Of course, we thank our OLM Chief Master of Ceremonies, Erik Carlson, who sees that the liturgies are celebrated smoothly!   

We thank our fine Lectors who proclaimed the Word of God with great joy and enthusiasm for Christmas. And we are grateful to our many Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who helped us at Masses and those who brought Holy Communion to the shut-ins on Christmas Day. We are blessed to have a group of dedicated ushers who welcome our visitors with kindness and hospitality. They are always helpful in ensuring the good order of the Church during Holy Mass, and we thank them all for their service, especially at Christmas.   

The music at Christmas was truly inspirational. Our dedicated OLM Music Director, Henri St. Louis, did a magnificent job leading our wonderful OLM Adult Choir and directing the many guest musicians. We also thank Shirley Medici, our OLM Children's Choir Directress, for the beautiful music the children provided at the Christmas Vigil Mass.   

I wish to thank Father Mahoney for his priestly ministry and service. He is always a great help, and I thank him for his dedication and outstanding priestly ministry at OLM. And I am also grateful for his tremendous gift of cooking talent that gave us such a delicious Christmas meal. The beef was cooked perfectly!!   

Along with Fr. Mahoney and Fr. Connors, I wish to offer our sincere gratitude to the many parishioners who were so kind in remembering us at Christmas. We are truly grateful for all the baked goods, other assorted goodies, and the many generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. Your support and generosity to the parish and to us personally are truly humbling.  

And certainly, we thank Almighty God for the great gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, born on Christmas Day. We give thanks for this gift on this Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. The homage the Wise Men from afar gave the Christ-child in Bethlehem reinforces the Christian belief that Jesus was more than the promised fulfillment of the Messiah for the Jews. He was a Light for all the nations, a Savior for all peoples.    

The Magi came in homage before the King of Kings and knelt in adoration before the Lord. Pope Saint John Paul II said: “When they reached Bethlehem, the Magi adored the divine Child and offered him symbolic gifts, becoming forerunners of the peoples and nations which down the centuries never cease to seek and meet Christ.” May we never cease to seek and meet Christ.

As we celebrate this Solemnity of the Epiphany, let us continue to follow the Wise Men in seeking  Christ. Let us continue to come before the King of Kings, offering our homage.  Let us come to Christ and meet him truly present at Holy Mass. Let us kneel in worship and adoration before our Savior. With "happiness doubled by wonder," let us come to Christ in the Eucharist with grateful hearts for so great a gift given to us.

A Blessed Feast of the Epiphany! Be well. Stay safe. Do good. God Bless!