Dear Parishioners:
The danger in writing a column on Tuesday morning for the weekend bulletin is things might not happen as reported. Such was the case for last week's Oktoberfest! It was canceled due to the heavy rain and wind. It's a shame because it is a great event full of fun, good food, and beer! The food was prepared and ready, so we donated it to Emmanuel House Homeless Shelter. Thankfully, we could cancel the six kegs of German beer and a hundred pounds of ice without incurring any cost.
Our Lady of Mercy.
The Oktoberfest requires much preliminary preparation work, many volunteers, and many hours of work for the OLM Staff. Therefore, it cannot be easily rescheduled or given a rain date. Also, due to the size of the crowd, it cannot be held inside the school cafeteria. Pray for good weather for next year's Oktoberfest!
Speaking of praying, have you made it to Monday Night Devotions. Why not skip the Wheel of Fortune and join us on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. as we pray the Rosary before the Eucharistic Lord. St. Josemaria Escriva teaches: "The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it confidently, and you'll be amazed at the results."
Monday is Columbus Day as we honor the great Italian explorer. The historian Dr. Warren H. Carroll writes: "Columbus was a flawed hero as all men are flawed, including heroes, and his flaws are of a kind particularly offensive to today's culture. But he was nevertheless a hero, achieving in a manner unequaled in the history of exploration and the sea, changing history forever. Columbus is the discoverer of America, and by that discovery, ultimately responsible for America's evangelization; for this, we should forever honor him."
I was happy to learn that the Mayor of Johnston put up the statue of Christopher Columbus in his town. The statue previously stood in the City of Providence and was vandalized. Sadly, the last Mayor of Providence boxed it up and put it in storage. However, the former Mayor of Providence, Joseph Paolino, purchased it, and now it proudly stands in Johnston.
The first landing of Columbus on the shores of the New World, at San Salvador, 1492. (Dioscoro Puebla)
Columbus Day is a Federal Holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus's landing in the Americas in 1492. It was unofficially celebrated in several cities and states as early as the 18th century. Still, it did not become a federal holiday until 1937. Perhaps one of the best ways to celebrate Columbus, a devout Catholic, is to come to Mass on Monday at 8:30 a.m. Consider making a good Confession on Monday night at 6:00 pm and then stay for October Devotions.
Columbus would never have succeeded if not for his prayers and Catholic faith. We, too, should rely on our faith and a strong prayer life to navigate life's journey. Columbus wrote in his diary about his spiritual life and his Catholic Faith. He wrote: "I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely."
I thank the 375 parishioners who have thus far contributed to our Annual Parish Collection. Such generous support of this vital collection is critical to our parish's fiscal stability and viability, and I am grateful. We look forward to the support of all 1,800 families in the parish.
We thank those who purchased the See You in September Raffle tickets. The OLM School Student Council Officers drew the winning tickets at lunch last Friday before the student body. We congratulate our raffle winners. Their names are listed in the bulletin this week!
The new Faith Formation Program for Communion and Confirmation begins this week. I thank Mr. Jeremy Long, our new Faith Formation Director, for leading our program. The semester calendar of classes is in the bulletin this week. We look forward to seeing our students and their families at Mass and Class.
September 28, 2023 Ordination Mass of Transitional Diaconate at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Rome, Italy.
Fr. Mahoney returns home from his European journey this week. Last week, I watched the Ordination Mass he attended at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which was beautiful. You could see Fr. Mahoney head and shoulders above the rest of the priests in attendance. We congratulate our new Deacons from Providence, Joseph Brodeur and Noah DaSilva. They are to be ordained priests by Bishop Henning in June 2024. Pray for them.
Do good. Be well. God Bless. Go Pats?? Please!!