Dear Parishioners:                       

The OLM Girls 5th/6th Grade Basketball Team were crowned RI CAL State Champions and runner-up of the New England Championship. Here they pose with Fr. Mahoney and Bishop Henning.

Spring has sprung! Spring means basketball has ended, and baseball begins! I want to congratulate the OLM Basketball teams and coaches for a great Catholic Athletic League Basketball season. Several teams made it to the playoffs, and our Girls' 5th/6th Grade Team was crowned the RI CAL State Champions and went on to be the runner-up for the New England Championship! A great season for OLM, and we are truly grateful for all the parent volunteers who help coach, score the games, and assist in so many ways.

Fr. Mahoney had a good season as a First Time CAL Basketball Coach, and we thank him! We thank Jerry O'Connell, our new OLM School Athletic Director, for his leadership. We thank our players for an outstanding season of sportsmanship on the court. Now on to baseball and soccer! We look forward to honoring our OLM School athletes, coaches, and their families at the Annual OLM School Athletic Banquet on Sunday, May 21st. It is a great way to celebrate our sports program as we honor athletic achievement and Catholic values!

Speaking of banquets, we celebrate the Annual Spring Fling for OLM School next Saturday night. This is the most important fundraiser for our School of the entire year. We have a live and silent auction with a host of great times available. It is always a great night to celebrate our School with parents and friends of OLM School. If you cannot attend, consider donating or bidding on an auction item online. Spring also means that our OLM Religious Education Program is finishing for the year.

Next Sunday is the last weekend for Religious Ed Classes and the final 5:00 PM Sunday Evening Mass. Our First Communion class continues to meet and prepare in the coming weeks for the May 13th Celebration of First Communion Masses. This Saturday morning, Fr. Mahoney and I will interview our many First Communion Candidates and their parents. It isn't a theological investigation or test of knowledge but rather a friendly discussion about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the importance of Sunday Mass in the lives of all Catholics. Please pray for our First Communion Candidates as they continue to prepare for this important moment in their lives.

Pope Francis said in a First Communion Homily, "The Eucharist is such a great gift. That's why going to Mass is so important. Going to Mass not just to pray but to receive Communion, the Bread and Body of Christ. It saves us, forgives us, and makes us one with the Father. How beautiful! It's important for children to properly prepare for their First Communion so that there's no child without this Sacrament. The Eucharist is a firm step towards Jesus, along with Baptism and Confirmation." 

The great Russian Writer Leo Tolstoy once said: "Spring is the time of plans and projects." He was correct, especially at OLM, where Spring always means plans and projects! The Spring weather helps as we can spruce up the property and the Church Plant. It has also enabled our Church Door Project to resume. Next week, the painting and preparation of the Church door frames begins. This is the first step in installing our new Church Doors.

As you can imagine, this is quite a process as our church doors are nearly sixty years old. Soon the new and quite beautiful doors are to be installed. We hope that the project lasts only a few weeks. We've patiently waited for these doors with delays due to the pandemic, but hope springs eternal!! The Grateful for God's Providence Capital Campaign funds the Church Door Project.

Your generosity in this campaign has enabled us to install new roofs on the Convents, a new roof and gutters in the School, and new boilers in the Rectory and Convents. We have put off the restoration of our parking lots and cemetery road until the price of asphalt comes down. We hope to restore the Franciscan Convent Chapel this summer. I thank all those who pledged to the campaign and have continued to fulfill their pledges. We are grateful to you for your generous support. We are also grateful to God for the blessings we enjoy at Our Lady of Mercy Parish! 

Spring has arrived at OLM! As St. John Vianney said: "It's always springtime in the heart that loves God!" Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Sox!!!