Dear Parishioners:                       

Last weekend, our First Communion and  May Crowning celebrations were joyful and faith-filled. Sixty-two of our young parishioners received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. It was a wonderful day for the children, their families, and our parish family.     Pray that they and their families remain faithful to the Eucharistic Lord, grow in their love of Holy Mass, and deepen their friendship with Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. As the Angelic Doctor, St Thomas Aquinas teaches: "The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: it signifies love and produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life."

The First Communion Class returned on Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass for the May Crowning. It was a beautiful way to celebrate Mother's Day and Motherhood as we crowned our Blessed Mother Mary, the Queen of the May! May Mother Mary, our parish patroness, intercede for us and our parish family! Saint Francis de Sales said: "Let us run to Mary and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence."  On Monday nights at 7:00 pm, we have May Devotions. If you haven't yet made it to May Devotions, grab your Rosary and run to join us on Monday. Skip "The Wheel of Fortune" and pray with Mary, our Mother and Patroness!       

With the celebration of First Communion, our Religious Education Program has ended for the year. We thank the many families who participated in the program, the teachers and volunteers who so willingly helped us, and the students who benefited from our program.   Of course, our program serves only to support parents in their primary role of teaching the faith to their children. The Rite of Baptism states that parents are "the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith." This is echoed in the words of the Catechism: "Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children." Please pray that our parents may be the best teachers of the faith in what they say and do!  

We thank Mickey St. Jean and Doug Green, who coordinate our Religious Education Program, particularly for their exemplary work preparing students for First Communion and Confirmation. We are grateful for all they do for our parish family, especially in teaching the children the faith! So it is with some sadness that I announce that Mickey St. Jean is retiring as the Director of RE at the end of June. Also, Doug Green is stepping down from his role in Religious Education. However, he will continue to direct our OLM Outreach Program part-time.

After many years of loyal service and faithful dedication to our OLM parish family, they begin a new chapter in their lives. We thank them for all they've done for our parish family, especially for our students. Please pray for them both; may their years ahead be healthy and happy!        

Of course, with this change in our Religious Education Program, we begin a search for a new Director. This is an extremely important role in the life and mission of our parish family, so please pray that we find the best candidate possible!

I thank the over 400 parish families who have made pledges to the Catholic Charity Appeal. Your support this year is truly outstanding. We are well over our parish goal of $190,000, with over $250,000 pledged to date. However, we have not reached last year's total of over $260,000. Please make a pledge if you have not yet done so. We need every parish family to participate in this important charity. The funds raised by the Charity Appeal support the many good works of our Church in helping the poor, the sick, the homeless, the unborn, and so many others in need.        

Our state is now poised to legalize the state funding of unlimited abortion with our tax dollars. We must redouble our efforts with St. Gabriel's Call, which helps expectant mothers in crisis choose life for their unborn babies and assists mothers and infants in need with baby supplies. Also, as the homeless problem grows in our state,  Emmanuel House, our diocesan homeless shelter, is needed more than ever to assist people with food and shelter. So I thank you for your generous support of the Charity Appeal. Your donation enables our Church to provide critical, good works for the unborn, the poor, and the homeless.

Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Sox!!