Dear Parishioners:
The Confirmation Mass last Sunday was beautiful and joyful. We thank Bishop Evans for confirming fifty-six of our young parishioners. We also thank our candidates and their families for choosing to come forward and confirm their Catholic Faith. Let us pray for them. Their names are listed in the bulletin.
Many people work to ensure Confirmation is a great occasion of Faith. The music was magnificent, and we thank Henri St. Louis, our Music Director, and our OLM Adult Choir. We also thank the outstanding OLM Altar Servers for their service. We thank Mr. Jeremy Long, the Director of the OLM Confirmation Program, for preparing the candidates so well.
November begins this week! Next Saturday, the 5:00 p.m. Mass of Anticipation will move back to a 4:00 p.m. start time, and Confessions will move back to a 3:00 p.m. start time. Be sure to note this and alert fellow parishioners!
All Saints Tapestry, Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles
Of course, the arrival of November brings with it the two great feasts of All Saints and All Souls. All Saints’ Day is a solemnity and holy day of obligation on which the universal Church honors the saints, known and unknown, all those who have gained the reward of heaven. There is a Mass of Anticipation on Thursday at 5:00 pm and three Masses on the Holy Day at 7:30 am, 9:00 am School Mass, and 7:00 pm. Plenty of opportunities to fulfill your obligation to attend Mass on the Holy Day.
On All Souls’ Day, the universal Church prays for all those in purgatory who were much like us and in need of purification. By praying for them, we are inspired to lead purer lives. On that day, and during the entire month of November, we remember our beloved dead as we visit the cemetery where they are buried, attain indulgences for them, give alms, do some good work, and have Masses offered in remembrance. We do this for those close to us and others we may have neglected during the year.
An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory circa 1610, Ludovico Carracci (1555–1619)
On Saturday, November 2, there will be two All Souls Day Masses at 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. The Noon Mass will feature sacred music fitting the solemn nature of the feast. Please return your All Souls envelopes with the names of your beloved dead inscribed so they may be remembered throughout November.
Next Sunday, November 3, at the 10:30 am Mass, we will remember all our deceased parishioners who died this past year. These forty-six souls have gone to their eternal reward, and we, their family, friends, and fellow parishioners, remember them with our prayers. Their grieving families will be in attendance at the Mass. Please pray for their consolation.
Also, this week, Archbishop Henning will be installed as the seventh Archbishop of Boston. It is a bittersweet day for us as we say farewell to a bishop who served us so well in such a short time. Still, we rejoice that the Holy Father recognizes his outstanding abilities as a faithful, loving, and wise shepherd for the Church of Boston. Please pray for Archbishop Henning as he begins his episcopal ministry in the Bay State!
Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, Providence. RI
On Friday, we will be a Diocese without a bishop! Also, on Friday, the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Providence convenes to elect an Administrator. The College assists the diocesan bishop in governing the Diocese. Canon Law requires the College to elect a Diocesan Administrator when a diocese is without a bishop.
What is a Diocesan Administrator? It is a priest of the Diocese of Providence who oversees the day-to-day administration of the Diocese until the Pope appoints a new bishop. They are not bishops but serve as administrators of the many agencies, charities, and offices of the Diocese and ensure the good order.
We prayerfully and patiently await for many months (up to a year) for Pope Francis to appoint the next bishop, the tenth Bishop of Providence. Pray for our Diocese and the newly elected Diocesan Administrator at this time of transition. May Our Lady of Providence guide the Church of Providence.
Be well. Do good. God Bless. I hope to see you Monday at 7:00 pm for our final October Devotions! Happy All Saints Day! See you at Mass on the Holy Day!