Dear Parishioners:
St Patrick Academy students.
The Back to School Supplies Drive for St. Patrick Academy in Providence has begun. The Catholic, college-preparatory high school is located on Smith Hill in Providence. The students who attend cannot enroll in any other area Catholic high school for financial or other reasons. St Patrick's has no set tuition, as families pay a tuition they can afford to pay. No student is ever turned away because the family cannot afford tuition. About one hundred students are enrolled, many from newly immigrated families from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. I thank you for your generous support. All donated supplies can be left in the blue bins in the vestibule, and a complete list of needed supplies is in the bulletin.
It's hard to believe that the summer days are ending, but the first day of school at OLM School is August 29! A few local public schools begin after Labor Day this year. For the OLM School faculty and students, however, the old song "See You in September" has to be revised to "See you in late August!" In the meantime, I hope our teachers and students enjoy the remaining days of their summer vacation and pray they arrive tan, rested, and ready for a new school year!
There are openings for students in the OLM Middle School and Kindergarten Classes. To learn more about applying for a first-class Catholic education at OLM School, don't hesitate to contact the Admissions Office and discover the OLM advantage for your child. We celebrate the Annual Welcome Mass for new OLM School Families next Sunday at 10:30 am. This year, we have many new families joining the OLM School Family and a few new faculty members. So join us in welcoming them and praying for them next Sunday.
First Day of School!
We are grateful to Paul Anderson and our maintenance crew, who have worked hard to clean, organize, and paint the school. Their hard work during the summer ensures the classrooms and hallways are ready for the first day of school and beyond. We are also in the process of getting bids to replace the boilers in the school. The present boilers are nearing their end and will have to be replaced. This is likely a very costly project but will be funded by contributions to the Grateful for God's Providence Capital Campaign. We want our students and faculty to be safe and warm!
Of course, as summer ends and school soon begins, we are already getting ready for our Annual OLM Feast Week in September. Mark your calendar for a week of faith, fun, and fellowship. The Feast Week begins on Monday, September 23, with the Annual Saints and Scholars Open Golf Tournament at the beautiful Quidnessett Country Club. Please register your foursome or sponsorship for the tournament online today.
Our Lady of Mercy Feast is September 24.
The Annual Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Mercy Mass is Tuesday, September 24, at 9:00 am. There will also be a Holy Hour of Mercy on Wednesday, September 25, and an Act of Mercy on Thursday, September 26. The feast week ends with the Oktoberfest on Friday, September 27. Save the dates! We will draw the Annual See You in September Raffle winners at the Oktoberfest. Only 400 tickets are sold for $100 a piece, and only five winners are drawn! Grand Prize of $5,000, First Prize of $2,500, Third and Fourth Prizes of $1,000 and Fifth Prize of $500. You've got to be in it to win it!
We welcome Dominican Father Patrick Briscoe, OP, to OLM. He has taken time from this busy preaching, teaching, and writing schedule to be with us for a couple of weeks and assist with Daily and Weekend Masses and Confessions. Fr. Briscoe is a native of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Editor of the Our Sunday Visitor, a national Catholic magazine. He resides at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. Fr. Briscoe is no stranger to RI as he previously served as Associate Pastor at St. Pius V Church in Providence and taught at Providence College. We welcome and thank him for his kind assistance.
As the Irish Novelist Sara Baume writes: "I realized that it is August: the summer's last stand." So, make the most of the summer days left and enjoy the sun, the beach, the boat, the golfing, the leisure time, and the summer reading! School starts soon!!!!
Be well, do good, and God Bless. Go Sox!!!