Dear Parishioners:
Saint Peter Nolasco
We celebrate our Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Mercy this weekend. The devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title "Our Lady of Mercy" originates from the Order of Our Lady of Mercy. The Order was founded in 1218 for the ministry of ransoming captive slaves, a work of great mercy, and has always been attributed to Mary, the Mother of Mercy. For this reason, Saint Peter Nolasco, the founder, dedicated the first church in her honor in 1249.
Devotion to Our Lady of Mercy in the Americas finds its roots in the second voyage of Christopher Columbus, who Mercedarian Father John Solorzano accompanied. Thus began a strong missionary apostolate for the Order, which sought to proclaim God's mercy and love under the patronage of Our Lady.
Mary is the prototype of the mercy and love found in her Son’s sacrificial act of salvation. By looking upon Mary as the true follower of her son, we understand more fully the words: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." And in the words of the Magnificat, we recognize the liberating mission of Jesus, reflected in the prayerful song of His Mother: "His mercy is from age to age…He has lifted up the lowly, the hungry He has filled with good things."
Thus Mary stands at the foot of His cross, hearing the words Jesus addresses to Saint John and ourselves; "Behold your Mother." We revere her and invoke her maternal assistance with the words of the Salve Regina: "To you do we cry, poor banished children…in your mercy hear and answer us."
Maria de Mercede, fresco by Domenico Ghirlandaio (c. 1472).
“Mary, then, is the one who has the deepest knowledge of the mystery of God’s mercy. She knows its price; she knows how great it is. In this sense, we call her Our Lady of Mercy.”
We begin the Mercy Feast Week with the Solemn Patronal Feast Mass on Saturday. On Monday, it’s time for our Saints and Scholars Open Golf Tournament. Please pray for good weather for our 134 golfers! Perhaps one of the foursomes can beat Fr. Mahoney’s Team!! On Wednesday at 7:00 pm, we gather in adoration, prayer, and devotion for a Holy Hour of Mercy. Dominican Fr. James Sullivan, OP, leads us in prayer and reflection. It is a great opportunity to gather before the Eucharistic Lord, pray the Rosary, listen to meditative music and receive Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Father Sullivan is an outstanding preacher, so please join us.
Act of Mercy 2021
On Thursday at 6:00 pm, we gather at OLM Field for an Act of Mercy as we pack backpacks for the homeless. All our parish and school families are invited to join us in this Act of Mercy. All you need to do is bring the items listed in the bulletin and pack up a backpack. We have 150 backpacks to fill up, so please help us in this Work of Mercy.
Finally, on Friday, we end our Mercy Feast Week with Oktoberfest. Join us on OLM Field for a festive time with German food, beer, and music. Oktoberfest began as a wedding celebration 200 years ago when Bavaria's Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. The wedding was celebrated with multiple days of feasting and horse races. It was such a success that this celebration grew to become an annual festival.
As the festival began to last longer, its starting date was moved to September because the days were longer and the weather was warmer. Visitors could stay out later to enjoy the beer gardens and the famous fields that make up the festival grounds. Today Oktoberfest in Munich is a two-week-long international celebration that always starts the last week of September and ends on the first Sunday in October. This year, it began on Saturday, September 17, and ends on Monday, October 3, 2022.
Bishop Evans and Father Healey enjoy Oktoberfest 2021!
Our OLM Oktoberfest doesn’t last quite as long but is no less festive as it begins on Friday at 6:00 pm ending at 9:00 pm the same night! The See You In September Raffle drawing also takes place at Oktoberfest! Join us for great food and fun.
It is a week to celebrate our faith with fun and fellowship for our parish family. I hope you join us for all our events or even just one event as we celebrate Our Lady of Mercy and welcome in the month of October dedicated to Mother Mary. Thank you for your continued generous support of the Annual Parish Collection this weekend.
Be well. Stay safe. Do good. God Bless. Happy Patronal Feast Day! Happy Oktoberfest! Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us. Go Pats!