
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.Nyc-Veterans-Day-Parade-2015-20-2Today on this Veterans Day we offer our prayers for the many men and women who have, in their military service, sacrificed their time, strength, ambition, health and even their lives on this earth to benefit their fellow citizens, known and unknown.

Many of our warriors carry scars in their hearts as well as on their bodies. Dark memories haunt their dreams at night. Fears cloud their waking hours. Jesus, you came to give us abundant EVH Florence WWIIlife by providing a way for us to release our pain to you. On the cross Christ bore our sorrows and brokenness and when we trust Him, we can exchange our wounds for His joy in a future unhindered by fate. Bring this gift now to the veterans of our nation who bear tangible and intangible wounds. May Christ the Healer bring them comfort and consolation, faith and hope.

images Bless the families of veterans who bear these pains of these wounded warriors. Give them patience and wisdom and strength to endure, and more than endure to hope in faith for a blessed life. Merciful Father, bring healing and strength to all veterans and their families.

We honor our veterans with our prayers and gratitude this day.  We thank  them for their sacrifice for our nation and for our freedom and liberty.

Almighty Father, bestow Your blessings upon them and grant them Your Peace.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
