Bishop Tobin poses with the OLM School Altar Servers, OLM Deacon John Dowd, Fr. Healey and Fr. Barrow following the April 6th OLM First Friday School Mass.
Bishop Tobin happily cuts his birthday cake!
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence celebrated the OLM First Friday School Mass on April 6th. The 4th Grade was the host class and did the readings. The OLM Students served the Mass and the OLM School Choir provided the beautiful music. The students presented the Bishop with birthday cards and gifts in recognition of his 70th birthday which was April 1st. Following the Mass, Bishop Tobin was treated to a Birthday Reception by the students, parents and faculty in the OLM School Gym including a "Pittsbugh Steeler MIter" Cake and a new Steeler jersey with his name and the number 701 Bishop then spent time visiting the classrooms where the 1st and 2nd Graders asked questions.
Bishop Tobin answers questions from Mrs. Ryan's Second Grade Class.