OLM Confirmation candidates joyfully display their good work!
OLM Confirmation candidates back supplies for St. Patrick's Parish
On Monday, August 13th members of the OLM Confirmation Class helped pack backpacks with school supplies. This Annual OLM Outreach effort helps the students and families of St. Patrick Parish in Providence prepare for the upcoming school year. The much needed supplies were generously donated by the parishioners of OLM Parish. The Confirmation candidates packed up nearly 200 backpacks with the bulk of them going to St. Patrick's Parish. The remainder are to be distributed locally by the OLM Outreach Office. We commend our Confirmation candidaets for their good work and OLM Parishioners Kathy Hall and Mary Anne Weaver for coordinating the project. We also thank the many parishioners who so genersouly supported the Backpack Drive with supplies and financial donations.