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These are unique times in the history in the Church. With God’s help and the intercession of our patroness Our Lady of Mercy, we pray that the current crisis will pass quickly. At this time, while we cannot gather in large crowds for Masses and devotions, we can use social media and streaming platforms to connect with parishioners. So, in order to stay connected with everyone we have joined the following social media platforms:

Facebook Page

Our new Facebook page is now live. Here we will post our Masses and devotions, as well as parish news and events. Please go to www.facebook.com/OLMparishEG/. We will also use Facebook Live to stream Masses, devotions, and other events.


Flocknote is an email and texting application for quick and easy communication about what events are happening at the parish. It also allows us to send out quick updates and changes to schedules and activities. Go to OLMparish.flocknote.com or text “OLMParish” to 84576 to join. When you join you will have the option to join the various groups of the parish that you’d like to hear from such as Men of St. Joseph, Outreach, Choir, etc.

YouTube Channel

In addition to Facebook Live, the parish will post and stream on YouTube Live.


Our new Instagram page is now live. Here we will post pictures and information about our parish. Go to instagram.com/olmparisheg/.


Fr. Healey is on Twitter. Follow him for the latest news and articles @FatherHealey.

Please join us on these platforms and stay connected with the parish. If you need assistance with any of these platforms let us know by emailing the parish at parish@olmparish.org or calling the office at (401) 884-4968. As we go forward, we will continue to update these pages and channels with more information.