A Prayer for the Cornavirus

Heavenly Father, loving and merciful God, we worship and adore You. In faith, we come before You asking for mercy and forgiveness for our sins against You and Your creation.


In this time of anxiety and distress, we lift up to You the COVID-19 situation throughout the world. Abba Father, we beg You to halt the spread of this disease and to grant healing and comfort to those afflicted. Please cover everyone with the Precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus and protect all of us, especially those in the medical field, from any infection and harm.

Lord Jesus, we beseech You to grace government leaders and medical experts with wisdom and knowledge to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to find a cure for it.

Holy Spirit Lord, please breathe peace and new life into everyone. May You grace us with a strong sense of social responsibility to do the necessary, and to be prudent and considerate in our actions. Bless all people to work together as one family of God and to be compassionate to one another.

Most Holy Trinity, we believe in You and we place all our hope in You.
You are our strength and our shield; in You our hearts trust; so we are helped, and our hearts exult, and with our song we give thanks to You.
(Psalm 28:7)

Immaculate Conception, Mary our Mother, we seek your intercession for us, our loved ones, our communities and everyone in this world.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Messiah and King, we trust in You. (X3)