Sister Soledad, FAS

Sister Soledad, FAS

We are happy to announce that Sr. Soledad Simbe Salgado, who has been working at the Scalabrini Villa Nursing Home and is to now reside at the OLM Franciscan Covent and work with the FAS Sisters at OLM.  She begins her ministry here on Monday, February 1, 2021, and will move into the convent this week.

         Sister was born in the Philippines and is the fourth of five children.   She joined the Franciscan Apostolic Sisters in 1962. She is now a perpetually professed Sister. She holds B.S and M.A.  Degrees in Education and over the years she has done pastoral work taught religion and served as a principal.  She has worked in various diocesan, parish, and FAS schools at both the elementary and secondary level in the
Philippines and United States.

        Sister Soledad arrived in the U.S. in 1988 to serve in the Diocese of Providence at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Woonsocket, becoming a U.S. citizen in 1994.  Following her pastoral work at Our Lady of
Victory, then served briefly in the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois before being assigned in 1995 as a
religion teacher at St Joseph School in York, Nebraska.   Following her work there, she was assigned to the staff of  St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Lincoln, Nebraska until 2001. From 2001 through 2006, Sister took a leave to care for her aging and infirm Father. She then served until 2008 at the FAS Motherhouse in the Philippines.

         In 2008, she returned to Illinois to work as a member of the staff of the Bishop of Peoria. From 2009 until 2019, she served again as a religion teacher at St. Joseph School in Nebraska. In August 2019, Sister joined the pastoral staff at the Scalabrini Villa Nursing Home, working along with 3 other FAS Sisters. 

We are most grateful to Mother Josephine, Superior of the Franciscan Apostolic Sisters, for assigning Sr. Soledad to Our Lady of Mercy Church and School.  May God bless her pastoral ministry here to OLM.