May 7, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

 Pro-abortion advocates are organizing demonstrations around the country to disrupt  Mass in Catholic churches this Mother's Day weekend, so we may be visited by agitators who may seek to interrupt the sacred liturgy. If that should happen while you are at Mass, please remain calm, peaceful, and recollected, and do not confront the protesters. Our ushers will contact the East Greenwich Police Department for assistance if necessary.

 Moreover, our parish and school campus may be targeted for vandalism directed against our buildings or statues, so we have alerted the EGPD  to help us protect our property.

 These threats are the poisonous fruit of an ideology of hatred for Life that has deeply wounded our country for two generations. Our response to that hatred must always bear witness to the mercy of Christ, who teaches us to love our enemies, to pray for our persecutors, and to do unto others as we would have others do to us.

 May God grant wisdom and courage to the Justices of the United States Supreme Court. They now face one of the most important judicial decisions in the history of our country, a nation built on the self-evident truth that all men are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to Life.

Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us!

Fr. Bernard A. Healey 

Pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Church