Dear Parishioners:                    

 One of our altar servers recently asked me if priests retire.  I paraphrased General McArthur: "Old priests never retire; they just fade away!" But the real answer is that priests are allowed to retire. I haven't even considered when I would retire, and I don't get to retire for at least another decade or more!    However, priests do not retire from their priestly life and promises. They continue to celebrate Masses, weddings, and funerals, hear Confessions, preach the Gospel, and perform the Sacraments.

When a priest retires, he retires from parish administration and all the duties associated with being a parish priest. Canon Law has set a priest's retirement age at age 75. However,  a bishop can grant permission for a priest to retire at an earlier age.  In the Diocese of Providence, the Bishop allows priests to retire at age 70 with his permission. Still, many other priests remain working in parish administration beyond 75.  With the growing shortage of priests, many bishops ask priests to delay retirement beyond age 70.  

This weekend, we take up the collection for the  Priests Retirement Fund. Unlike Religious Order priests, who are provided for in every way by their Order,  when diocesan priests retire from parish administration, they lose many benefits such as room & board, housing, car insurance, and a salary. Our retired priests are afforded good health insurance but still pay their Medicare Part B premium and participate in  Social Security.  But salaries were so low years ago ($50 monthly before 1952, then $100 until 1972) that Social Security benefits for our oldest priest retirees are very low.

The principal source of income for retired priests is a modest monthly pension from the Diocesan Priest Pension Fund.   It's a challenge for the Bishop to fund it fully.  Today, more than 90 of our retired priests receive a modest pension.  Approximately two-thirds are still active and helping at parishes. Many keep busy, sometimes assisting at 2 or 3 different parishes.  They often help here at OLM, including Bishop Evans. Retired priests are an integral part of the ongoing work of our parishes in the diocese, especially with the increasing shortage of priests.  While many remain actively assisting, there are some of our priests who live in nursing homes or assisted living and need much more support. 

This is not to suggest that our retired priests are in dire straits, sleeping in homeless shelters, or looking for their next meal in a soup kitchen.  However, a robust and healthy pension fund for our senior priests is vital for the future. The Second Collection this week goes directly to the Senior Priests Retirement Fund.  This collection is an opportunity for us to say 'thank you'  to those priests who have given many years of dedicated service to our parishes, schools, families, and the Church. I thank you for your generous support of this important collection.

It's hard to believe we are gearing up for Our Lady of Mercy Feast Week, which begins next week. Many people are involved in preparing and working hard to make our parish's celebration of the Feast week special. We kick the week off with the Saints and Scholars Open Golf Tournament at Quidnessett Country Club on Monday, September 23.  

On the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, Tuesday, September 24, we celebrate our Patronal Feast Day Mass. Father Brian Morris, who grew up in our parish and graduated from OLM School, will preach the Feast Day Mass this year. On  Wednesday the 25th, join us for prayer and adoration in our Holy Hour of Mercy at 7:00 pm.  Thursday, September 26, at 6:00 pm on the Lynch Field, we gather for an Act of Mercy as we help the hungry and homeless.  Parishioners of all ages are invited to help us, so bring the whole family.

We conclude the week with the Oktoberfest on Friday, September 27.  It is a great event for the whole family, with German food, beer, music, and lots of fun! Put on your lederhosen and join us as we celebrate the arrival of October, the month dedicated to Mother Mary.  We also draw the winners of the See You In September Raffle, so be sure to get your tickets today!

Be well. Do good. God Bless. How about the Pats!? Let's hope their winning continues!!! Go Pats!!