Dear Parishioners:                   

 It's Feast Week! The Parish Feast Day of Our Lady of Mercy is Tuesday, September 24. Thus, this week, we celebrate Mary and turn in faith to Our Lady of Mercy, giving thanks for her patronage and asking for her continued intercession for our parish, school, ourselves, and our families.   

The devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of "Our Lady of Mercy" originates from the Order of Our Lady of Mercy.  The Order was founded in 1218 for the ministry of redeeming captives, a work of great mercy. It has always attributed to Mary a special role in its foundation.  For this reason, Saint Peter Nolasco, the founder, dedicated the first church in her honor in 1249.

Devotion to Our Lady of Mercy in the Americas can trace its roots to Christopher Columbus's second voyage, which Mercedarian Father John Solorzano accompanied. Thus began a strong missionary apostolate for the Order, which sought to proclaim the freedom of the sons and daughters of God.

Mercedarians through the centuries have seen in Mary the prototype of that freedom and truth accomplished for us by Jesus in the merciful work of our Redemption.  By looking upon Mary as the true follower of her Son, we understand more fully the freedom in her words:  "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." In the Magnificat, we recognize Jesus's liberating mission, reflected in the prayerful song of His Mother:  "His mercy is from age to age…He has lifted up the lowly and the hungry. He has filled with good things."

"Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae" begins an ancient Latin hymn that translates today to "Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope."  And so we hail the Holy Queen, Our Mother of Mercy, this week as we turn to her as our life, our sweetness, and our hope. Our parish was placed under the patronage of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Mother of Mercy, in 1867.  This is why we revere her and invoke her assistance, using the words of the Salve Regina:  "To you do we cry, poor banished children…in your mercy hear and answer us."

We begin our Feast Week with the Saints and Scholars Open Golf Tournament at Quidnessett Country Club on Monday. Over 100 golfers have signed up to play for the Saints and Scholars at OLM School. Please pray for good weather! Last year, we were rained out!!

Join us on Tuesday for the Solemn Patronal Feast Day Mass at 9:00 am.  Our OLM School Choir will be singing our hymns of praise in honor of Our Lady of Mercy.  Fr. Brian Morris, the Pastor of Christ the King Parish and Chaplain at Bishop Hendricken, is our preacher.  Fr. Morris is a proud graduate of our parish school and a native son of OLM.  Come as we celebrate our Patroness with worship and praise.

We gather for a Holy Hour of Mercy on Wednesday night as we turn to Our Lady for her intercession.  We come to adore her Son, the Eucharistic Lord, pray the Rosary, and meditate with beautiful music from our OLM Choir.   On Thursday at 6:00 pm, join us on the Lynch Field as we perform an Act of Mercy. We gather to assist our OLM Outreach Office in aiding the hungry and homeless as we pack up needed supplies for our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than us.  All parish families are invited to join us in this Act of Mercy.

We end our Mercy Feast Week with the fun and festive Oktoberfest. German food, beer, and music will be available at Lynch Field at 6:00 p.m. It is always a great celebration for both adults and kids. Oktoberfest anticipates the coming month of October, a special month for our parish as it is a month dedicated to the Blessed Mother Mary, our Patroness. Please put on your lederhosen and dirndls and join us! Prosit!

We congratulate Father Mahoney, who Archbishop Henning will install as the Pastor of St. Pius X Church in Westerly this Saturday.  Pray for him as he is officially installed as Pastor and begins shepherding the souls of the Parish of St. Pius X.  May God bless him, and may his priestly ministry be faithful and fruitful.  Ad multos annos!

Happy Feast Week! Join us as we celebrate with great faith, good fun, and friendly fellowship! Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us! Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Pats!????