Dear Parishioners:
OLM School 2024 Saints and Scholars Open
We celebrated our Parish Feast this past week with much enthusiasm. I hope you were able to join us for some of the celebrations. Monday was a sunny and beautiful day. This news was welcomed as we started our Parish Feast Week with the Saints and Scholars Open Golf Tournament. Over 100 golfers enjoyed a day at Quidnessett Country Club.
A beautiful Feast Day Mass on Tuesday, a Holy Hour of Mercy on Wednesday, an Act of Mercy on Thursday, and the Oktoberfest on Friday night highlighted the week. Such fun, faith, and fellowship bring life and vitality to our parish family. I wish to thank the many volunteers who made the week so successful. Mrs. Lee Mita, the Chair of the Golf Tournament, is hardworking in making it a great success. We thank her for her dedication and the others who volunteered, sponsored, and played the tournament.
We thank the OLM Staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring all the plans are implemented and everything is prepared and ready. Their hard work and dedication to our parish make for an outstanding and successful Feast Week. We also thank the many parish volunteers who assisted OLM Outreach Director Doug Green with our Work of Mercy on Thursday evening. The backpacks were filled with much-needed supplies and greatly helped people in need. It is a witness to our parish's mercy and generous charity.
The German food, beer, and music always make our Oktoberfest a fun event for the whole family. The original Oktoberfest in 1810 was a wedding feast for the marriage of the Bavarian crown prince and his bride. The party lasted a few weeks!
Today in Munich, Germany, the Oktoberfest is a two-week festival celebrating Bavarian culture, beer, food, and music. At OLM, we end our Feast Week dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy with Oktoberfest as we prepare for October, the Month of Mary, our patroness.
In October, we begin our weekly Marian Devotions on the Mondays of the month. Come join us for prayer and adoration of the Eucharistic Lord, Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Meditative Marian Music, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Clearly, Ryan Seacrest is no Pat Sajak! So turn off the Wheel of Fortune and come to Devotions. Join us as we turn in prayer to Mother Mary. St. Padre Pio reminds us: "Abandon yourself in the hands of Mary. She will take care of you."
St. Francis of Assisi by Philip Fruytiers (1610–1666)
On Friday, October 4, we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of Italy, animals, and the environment. He was a spoiled rich kid who gave up his family's riches and chose instead to live a life of radical poverty and simplicity. In the 12th century, he astounded and inspired the Church by taking the Gospel literally. Francis said: "Preach the Gospel at all times. use words if necessary." Many began to follow him and his way of life, and the Franciscan Order was soon born. In 1209, with the approval of Pope Innocent III, Francis established his order. He also loved animals, and in honor of his feast, we will bless all pets, animals, and livestock at 2:30pm in the school parking lot on Friday.
The Feast of St. Francis is a special day for our Franciscan Apostolic Sisters, as he is their patron. Please pray for them and their vocations. We wish them a Happy Feast Day! Sister Lourdes is returning home to the Philippines in October for a visit with family and to the Motherhouse. Sister hasn't been back in many years. Pray for her safe travel and return in November.
Seminary of Our Lady of Providence Administration, Faculty, and Seminarians.
Next Sunday, October 6, Father Connors, the newly installed Rector of Our Lady of Providence Seminary, will celebrate the 10:30 am Mass. The seminarians at OLP Seminary in Providence will join us at the Mass. Father Connors directs eighteen seminarians from eight different dioceses in the northeast. Fifteen seminarians pursue studies at Providence College, and three others attend Rhode Island College and will transfer to Providence College next year. Please pray for Father Connors and the OLP seminarians. I know you will give them a warm welcome next Sunday.
Bring your pets, animals, and livestock to the Blessing on Friday. Be well. Do good. God Bless. St. Francis, pray for us!