We rejoice this weekend as a parish and a Church as we celebrate the Confirmation of 71 of our young parishioners. We welcome Bishop Spalding of Nashville, Tennessee who has traveled here to celebrate the Confirmation Mass. Pray for these young men and women as they are sealed in the Holy Spirit.
Too often confirmation is seen as a kind of “graduation from formation.” Having attended RE Classes since the first grade, they are finally, officially “done.” Formation in the faith takes a lifetime and never ends. Confirmation is a beginning not an end. As these young Catholic adults begin their high school years they do so with the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
We encourage their sponsors for Confirmation to understand that they are charged to be a witness of Christ’s love, if not for the whole world at least for the candidate. So, we pray and hope that these sponsor, don’t treat confirmation day like graduation. Their task has just begun. Be a light to the nations, starting with the teen upon whose shoulder, your hand has rested. We also hope and pray that these newly Confirmed continue to stay close to Christ by faithfully attending Mass, seeking his mercy and forgiveness in Confession and through pray. In the coming weeks we will invite all these newly Confirmed to consider taking up a ministry at OLM. We hope some of them might choose to serve as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Religious Education Teachers, Ushers or Adult Choir Members. They are an important part of the life of our parish and we hope they commit to serving their parish. Please pray for them that they may continue to grow in the faith, knowledge and love of God.