Awake the Faith! It's Advent

Awake the Faith! It's Advent

In a homily on Advent, Pope Emeritus Benedict XV reminds us: “Awaken! Remember that God comes! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today, now! The one true God, ‘the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’, is not a God who is there in Heaven, unconcerned with us and our history, but he is the-God-who-comes.”

Preparing the Way for Christ the King

Preparing the Way for Christ the King

Wherever, whenever and however we choose to do it, please do Advent! It is far too important to forget and forsake! Without a doubt, Christmas is going to be a whole lot happier and joyful if we truly prepare and patiently wait. Advent is coming, prepare the way!

Giving Thanks for God's Bounty and Blessings

Giving Thanks for God's Bounty and Blessings

“Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.”

Confirmation at OLM and Retreating for Renewal

Confirmation at OLM and Retreating for Renewal

Dear Parishioners:


We rejoice this weekend as a parish and a Church as we celebrate the Confirmation of 71 of our young parishioners. We welcome Bishop Spalding of Nashville, Tennessee who has traveled here to celebrate the Confirmation Mass. Pray for these young men and women as they are sealed in the Holy Spirit.

Too often confirmation is seen as a kind of “graduation from formation.” Having attended RE Classes since the first grade, they are finally, officially “done.” Formation in the faith takes a lifetime and never ends. Confirmation is a beginning not an end. As these young Catholic adults begin their high school years they do so with the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

We encourage their sponsors for Confirmation to understand that they are charged to be a witness of Christ’s love, if not for the whole world at least for the candidate. So, we pray and hope that these sponsor, don’t treat confirmation day like graduation. Their task has just begun. Be a light to the nations, starting with the teen upon whose shoulder, your hand has rested. We also hope and pray that these newly Confirmed continue to stay close to Christ by faithfully attending Mass, seeking his mercy and forgiveness in Confession and through pray. In the coming weeks we will invite all these newly Confirmed to consider taking up a ministry at OLM. We hope some of them might choose to serve as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Religious Education Teachers, Ushers or Adult Choir Members. They are an important part of the life of our parish and we hope they commit to serving their parish. Please pray for them that they may continue to grow in the faith, knowledge and love of God.


The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church states that all priests are “bound to make time for spiritual retreats." This is to be a time of prayer and reflection away from the parish at a monastery or retreat house. It is meant be a time of spiritual renewal far from the world and from parish duties. It isn’t mean to be a holiday or a time of leisure. Retreats are a time to, as the name implies, get away from your ordinary activities and spend a period of time trying to stand shoulder to shoulder with Christ, and look at your life from the outside, from his perspective. I encourage everyone to make a retreat at least once a year. It doesn’t have to be a week but perhaps a day or two. It is a time of refreshment and renewal in the Lord! Try it, you might just like it.


Fr. Barrow made his Annual Retreat this past week at Arnold Hall in Pembroke, Massachusetts. Arnold Hall Retreat and Conference Center opened in 1964, thanks to the good work and faith of Fr. Joseph Musquiz . He was a Spanish Priest who came to the U.S. in 1949 to begin Opus Dei activities here, and who was dedicated to the spiritual renewal and growth of God’s people. His cause for canonization has been introduced by the Church.

I made a retreat at Arnold Hall last November and found it an outstanding location and a truly powerful time of spiritual renewal. This coming week I once again return there to make my own Annual Retreat beginning on Monday. I ask for your prayers for me during this week of retreat as I promise you my prayers for you and your intentions. I intend to offer daily Mass for all of you. Please pray that these Retreats are a time of renewal of the spiritual life and priestly zeal for Fr. Barrow and myself. As St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei reminds us: “ You go to pray; to become a bonfire, a living flame, giving light and heat.


This Sunday we mark Veterans Day. It is a day that invites us to pause for a moment and reflect with thanksgiving on the lives of men and women who respond and responded to the needs of our Nation. We thank all veterans for their service. As George Washington said: “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.

Congratulations to the newly Confirmed. Welcome Bishop Spalding! Be well. Do good. God Bless. Happy Veterans Day! Go Pats!!!

Prayer in the Face of Tragedy, Hope for the Future

Prayer in the Face of Tragedy, Hope for the Future

Dear Parishioners:


Last week’s attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, is the cause of deep sadness and pain. This attack upon people of faith gathered to pray and celebrate the birth of a child and also upon police officers responding to the ensuing violence with no concern for their own safety should be condemned by all.

Anti-Semitism is also to be condemned along with our repudiation of all hatred, bigotry and violence. Let us stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters during this time of great distress. Let us pray for all those impacted by this terrible tragedy: “May God grant peace to the dead, healing to the injured, and comfort to the families of those hurt and killed and His peace to all the Jewish Community.”

On Tuesday this week our nation will mark Election Day. It is a day in which Americans vote for the leaders of our federal, state and local governments. As Catholics, we believe that “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” Therefore, I urge you as a responsible citizen and faithful Catholic to vote on Tuesday.


As Catholics we are called to be a voice that is concerned with the dignity of all persons, the protection of the most vulnerable, and the common good of society. On Tuesday, November 6, we have the opportunity to be that voice by voting for candidates who reflect our values. Pray and reflect before you cast your vote and vote using your informed Catholic conscience. Pray too for all candidates for public office and for our nation on Election Day. This week our new Altar Servers begin their service at God’s holy altar.

After a week of training, these ten new servers now begin to serve both Daily and Weekend Masses over the next month. We thank them for their willingness to serve our parish and God. They join the many other OLM Altar Servers who do a tremendous job! Keep them in your prayers.


Last week I was privileged to visit the St. Cecilia Motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters of Nashville, Tennessee. This past summer one of our own OLM Parishioners, Sister Laura Makin, entered the community. My visit with these good and holy sisters was truly joyful and edifying. The Nashville Dominicans are a thriving community of religious sisters. They are full of faith and joy and offer a wonderful witness of hope for our Church. A young and growing community, there are over 300 sisters in the congregation. I wish to thank Mother Anna Grace Neenan, OP, who was so gracious in allowing my visit with the sisters. Please pray for these sisters as I know they are certainly praying for us.

I am grateful to Bishop Mark Spalding of Nashville who arranged the visit with the Sisters and who was a most gracious host during my brief stay in Nashville. On All Saints and All Souls Day, I was honored to concelebrate and serve as the homilist at Masses at the Cathedral. Bishop Spalding is a dear friend and classmate from the seminary. He was just made bishop last February and it was my first chance to visit with him since that time.


He is coming to OLM next Sunday to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation Mass is next Sunday at 5:00PM as 71 of our young adults receive the Sacrament. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Confirmation is not the end, it is only the beginning of a life committed to Christ and His Church.

So I ask you to continue to pray for these young men and women as they prepare for this milestone in their lives as Catholic Disciples. May it be the beginning of a deeper relationship with Christ and may they heed the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XV: “The Church has confidence in you and she thanks you for the joy and energy that you contribute. Generously put your talents to use in the service of the proclamation of the Gospel! We know that the Holy Spirit is granted to those who open their hearts to this proclamation. And do not be afraid: Jesus, the Savior of the world, is with us every day until the end of time (cf. Mt 28:20).”

Congrats to the Red Sox on winning the World Series, it was a great victory! Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Pats!!!