Mr. Fuller poses with students and faculty at the Annual Spelling Bee
Mr. Scott W. Fuller, Our Lady of Mercy School Principal, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this school year. After decades of service in education he has decided to spend more time with his family and enjoying his grandchildren. We wish him prayerful best wishes as he enters this new and justly deserved chapter in his life.
In the name of Our Lady of Mercy Church and School, we profoundly thank Mr. Fuller for his outstanding leadership and tremendous dedication to Our Lady of Mercy School over these last years. His hard work, determination and enthusiasm has and continues to advance the mission of our school to develop saints and scholars for our Church and world. We are most grateful for his admirable service to our school and look forward to formally thanking him in June.
In accordance with the policy of the Catholic School Office of the Diocese of Providence, a committee has been established to begin the search for a new principal for Our Lady of Mercy School. We thank Mr. Gregory A. Paolino, Chairman of the Our Lady of Mercy School Advisory Board, for his willingness to serve as the Chair of this committee. The committee is to begin their search over the next few weeks and I look forward to their recommendations as they seek to find the best possible candidate to serve as Principal of Our Lady of Mercy School.