Hello Junior Legionnaires,

Just a quick update on last meeting and moving forward. Last weekend we had a meeting followed by a visit to St Luke’s for Loaves and Fishes. Our group got right to work and helped preparing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, wrapping up hamburgers and hot dogs and packing up car loads of clothing. We were not able to go on the run to Woonsocket but managed to swiftly get things ready for the run.

As far as March, with good intentions we planned a meeting for next Saturday, but for now we only have one meeting scheduled on March 30th. We are hoping to schedule the 9th or 16th for our first meeting of the month. Stay tuned for more information.

Upcoming Dates/Events

Two important dates/events to consider:

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  • 1. Acies Ceremony. This is a ceremony in which Legionaries reconfirm their commitment to the Legion. The Cranston Curia which our Legion is under will have their Acies on March 24th at 1:00 pm at St Xavier’s in East Providence. The entire Curia will pray the rosary together and then one by one approach the alter with a reconfirmation prayer. This is a beautiful ceremony followed by coffee and desserts. Please try to make time to participate.

  • 2. A children’s underwear, sock and pajama drive. Jr Legion of Mary is running a children’s underwear drive at Our Lady Mercy for the last weekend of March. Our collections will then be donated to St Luke’s Loaves and Fishes and will go directly to families in need. We are looking for volunteers to collect after each Mass and to interact with the parishioners to thank them for their donations. Please look out for a future email with a sign up. We are hoping that our members can cover all the Masses.